My greenhouse cucumbers were constantly bitter. Proper care and timely intervention helped to get rid of the problem.

  • Dec 12, 2021

Often, when growing cucumbers, gardeners are faced with such a problem as the appearance of bitterness in the fruits. I know her too. Therefore, today I will tell you in my article why greenhouse cucumbers are bitter and how to prevent it.

Greenhouse cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Greenhouse cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Greenhouse cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Why does bitterness appear

Cucumbers contain cucurbitacin. This substance is distributed throughout the plant, from the roots to the fruit. It is useful in its own way:

  • thanks to him, the seeds germinate faster;
  • their germination improves;
  • pests are afraid of him;
  • the plant's resistance to stress increases.

This substance is useful for humans, but in large quantities it gives the cucumbers a bitterness in taste.

I will say right away that the following factors lead to an increased content of cucurbitacin:

  • incorrectly selected seed;
  • dry and hot weather;
  • unsuitable soil;
  • instagram viewer
  • watering with cold water;
  • pests and diseases;
  • deficiency or excess of watering;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • improper feeding;
  • thickened fit;
  • twisting of the stems.
Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under standard license © ofazende.comoblast.
Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under standard license © ofazende.comoblast.

How I remove bitterness from cucumbers

There is more cucurbitacin in the skin and ends of the fruit than in the pulp. Therefore, I cut these pieces off before eating the cucumbers. If the pulp is bitter, then I add salt to the fruit.

Soaking vegetables in warm water helps to get rid of bitterness.

How I Prevent Bitterness

So that the harvest of cucumbers does not disappoint me, I take preventive measures in advance.

Harvest of cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Harvest of cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Soil and fertilizing

I always plant cucumber bushes on light, fertile, loose soil. Clay and sandy soils are not suitable for this purpose.

I apply fertilizers to the soil containing the following components:

  • potassium;
  • nitrogen;
  • phosphorus.

At the same time, I observe the dosage and frequency of feeding.

Seeds for planting

If you, like me, grow cucumbers for seeds, it is best to take them from the front of the fruit.

From purchased seeds, give preference to hybrids. They are not bitter.

I like varieties like Vyaznikovsky, Nezhinsky.

I plant seedlings in the greenhouse after four leaves appear on the seedlings. The soil must be warmed up. The air in the greenhouse is not lower than +18 ° С.

Watering and moisturizing

Underfilling or overflowing is the main reason for the appearance of bitterness in fruits. Watering with cold water is contraindicated for cucumbers.

Watering cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Watering cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

I irrigate the planting with water, the temperature of which is + 22-24 ° С.

Temperature regime

It is worth protecting the planting from temperature extremes in the greenhouse at night and during the day.

Until the bushes bear fruit, the temperature should be:

  • in the afternoon - +20 ° С;
  • at night - +18 ° С.

When fruiting begins, the temperature regime will need to be increased:

  • during the day - +27 ° С;
  • at night - +20 ° С.

Correct lighting

Insufficient lighting leads to the appearance of bitterness in the fruit. Excess sun can also harm cucumbers.

Ideally, the lighting should be diffused. To do this, I paint over a glass greenhouse with lime. I cover the greenhouse with a dark film.


Cucumber bushes are susceptible to aphid attacks. Other pests threaten planting:

  • whitefly;
  • bear;
  • spider mite.
Medvedka. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Medvedka. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Often, cucumbers are affected by fungal and infectious diseases.

All this makes the taste of the fruit bitter.

If aphids attacked the landing, then it is worth treating the bushes with tobacco dust or infusion on onion peels.

To prevent the problem, I do the following:

  • I thin out the seedlings;
  • weeding the landing;
  • in open beds next to cucumbers I grow tall crops so that they are a support for bushes.

Timely harvest

When the bushes are bearing fruit, I harvest the fruit every 3 days. If you do this less often, the cucumbers will overripe and give bitterness.

How to grow cucumbers without bitterness

To make the cucumber crop delight you with its taste, take advantage of my tips:

  • Do not fertilize the planting with fresh manure. It is better to bring it in in the fall.
  • Before the fruit appears, pluck a leaf from the bush and taste its juice. So you will find out if the fruit will taste bitter. If the juice is bitter, correct watering or adjusting the temperature in the greenhouse will help you to correct the situation.
  • Taste the first ripe fruit. If it tastes bitter, then before other fruits appear, you will still have time to solve the problem.
  • Mulch the soil after watering with cut grass or hay.

To get a good harvest of delicious cucumbers, prevent the problem of bitterness in the fruit. My advice will help you with this.

Read also: How to say goodbye to ants in the garden

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