How to grow Aust

  • Dec 24, 2019

Eustoma - beautiful culture, its leaves if coated with wax, its flowers delicate shades. Grandiflora flowers eustomy - diameter of seven to eight centimeters. The color of their diverse - white, lilac, purple, pink and other. Half blooming flowers resemble the rose buds, and when fully disclosed - large poppies. Stems culture strong, tall and eighty-ninety centimeters from the middle are much branching, because of that one culture looks like a full bouquet. On culture can sometimes count much more than thirty buds. All varieties can produce long flower stalks, and they can be cut. Cut flowers in a vase can stand for a long time.

Growing eustomy. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing eustomy. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Eustoma can multiply by dividing the bush. Adult plant difficult to tolerate violations of the roots, so virtually all delenki die. Cut stalks plants can not take root. The main and the most suitable method of propagation of this crop - seed.

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Sowing the seeds can begin even in winter, as the blossom eustoma begins on the fifteenth-twentieth week after it emerged seedlings. Accordingly, if the sow seeds in the spring, culture did not have time to bloom. Many sow seeds in late fall to early February. Sowing later pointless - did not have time to enjoy the flowering.

Sow the seeds in pyatidesyatigrammovye disposable cups with a light moist peat soil in which you want to add more sand and perlite to make it more flabby. Suitable and special primer for Saintpaulia. Sow the seed surface, gently pushing them into the ground, thirty or forty days make the pick. Once planted, put on the glasses, plastic bags, to "organize" the greenhouse effect, then wait, when there will be shoots.

Light and temperature conditions

Once planted (first 2 months), seedlings need a bright diffused light for compact growth and to ensure that they are not stretched. Organize a light with a fluorescent lamp. A suitable temperature range for the seeds sprouted, - twenty - twenty-five degrees Celsius. Melenkie shoots appear after ten to fifteen days, and will grow slowly the first fifty or sixty days.


The first sixty days, the seedlings can be watered almost never because a bag of polyethylene, wear after sowing, the humidity can be kept for a long time. Study: eustomy seedlings that grow in these greenhouses, watering can be only once in two or three weeks, and it is not abundant.

Small seedlings after thirty or forty days after the shoots appear, you need to dive into individual glasses.

In the early spring the grown young culture move by perevalivaniya without destroying the clod of earth, in a container with a diameter of eight centimeters. At the bottom of containers pour a thin layer of the drain zeolite or expanded clay melenko crumbled foam. Moved culture expose to the sun-lit window and remove the bags, accustom to the sun, let the seedlings adapted to "life without the films." Since culture and will continue to grow in containers before planting the seedlings outside.

Eustoma. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Eustoma. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

In the middle of the last month of spring prick in the flower bed. Culture is ready for transplanting when it was formed four to eight true leaves. When the flower is planted in open ground, he immediately begins to grow. Thirty days Aust you do not know.

Fertilize the plants begin after the seedlings take root successfully, thirty days after planting. Apply fertilizer, completely soluble in water.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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