And what to do with conifers? Helping them survive the winter without loss

  • Oct 28, 2021

Often inexperienced summer residents do not help conifers to survive the winter cold in any way, they believe that they do not need it. Of course, this opinion is erroneous and very dangerous. Since recently, many different varieties of conifers have appeared on personal plots, and not all of them are ready for Russian winters.

Tui. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Tui. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Tui. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The first way you can help young trees is to stop feeding them in August. As you can see, preparations for winter start already in the summer. When you notice that deciduous trees have begun to shed their foliage, you need to ensure that the conifers are well-watered. And this must be done long before frost. This is also one of the stages of preparation for winter.

How are we going to water?

Very good watering must be provided to the plants, especially during dry autumn. So for a pine or spruce of 4 years of age, approximately 2 buckets of water will be needed. If there are more mature trees, then they will need more water. Accordingly, a bucket of liquid will be enough for young people. The best option would be when you stretch the watering into several stages. First pour out one bucket, let the moisture saturate the soil well, then the procedure can be repeated. Another important part of proper watering is that the watering radius must be increased and must match the radius of the crown. It is not very correct when water is poured only under the roots.

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So that the soil does not lose the moisture presented to it, it must be mulched with spruce branches or bark.

So as not to get damaged

For very thin and fragile branches of conifers, wet snow is a truly insurmountable obstacle. Branches under its influence can break, respectively, you risk losing your most beloved plant. But even if the plant remains intact, the shape of the branches will change, which means it will lose its decorative effect. For this purpose, conifers are tied with a rope.

If you grow coniferous plants on a trunk, then in order to avoid its tilt, the plant must be strengthened and fixed with stretch marks.

We cover conifers for the winter

It is necessary to cover especially young trees, which are very delicate. But basically all of them can survive frosts down to -5 degrees, so it is necessary to cover with a cold snap.

Polyethylene is not suitable for sheltering conifers. It does not allow moisture and air to pass through, which means you risk infecting the plant with various bacteria and pathogens. In conifers, photosynthesis occurs during this period, that is, the material of the shelter must transmit the sun's rays. The best option for shelter would be burlap or spunbond.

We cover conifers for the winter. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
We cover conifers for the winter. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Shade in the spring

Conifers are very vulnerable to sunburn. Sometimes they are even more dangerous than frost. Therefore, do not rush to remove the covering material.

And if the conifers were planted in pots?

In the event that you have planted conifers in pots or bowls, you will need to move them to a room where the temperature will be about 5 degrees. They need to be watered regularly. Otherwise, you risk losing your plants altogether.

On a note! Some conifers may turn a little yellow in winter, but that's okay. In the spring they will take on their usual color.

Try to devote your time and energy to plants, and they will definitely thank you for it. Your garden will simply shine for your joy.

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