The house can be inspected for heat loss without a thermal imager. Why give money for something that you can do yourself?

  • Dec 13, 2021
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Recently, I have noticed a tendency that more and more people turn to offices that do energy audits of houses, or in other words - thermal imaging inspection.

This service is not cheap, firms ask for it from 5000 rubles. If a company only has a thermal imager, then the price will remain within these limits, and if it is a full-fledged examination of the house together with other special equipment, including using the air door, then you can pay for the examination and everything RUB 30,000

In fact, a competent examination of a house is a technically very complicated procedure and such an examination cannot be done with a single thermal imager, but what is happening now?! The company is acquiring a thermal imager and can already advertise: professional energy audit!

Many people believe that in winter they overpay for a communal apartment (electricity or gas) and turn to the company to identify the problem and find this terrible heat loss. A specialist arrives, takes out a thermal imager and proceeds to shoot through the walls of the house.

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But at this moment, no one cares what the weather is outside the window! I have never met a specialist come and say: "It's windy today, I'll come next time"! :-))) No, it is not profitable for firms and they will earn while orders are in progress! The fact is that when examining a house, it is extremely important that there is no direct sunlight and no wind outside the window! This distorts the picture incredibly ...

The ideal weather for the survey: calm, clear, -10 ..- 15 C, early morning, until the sun shone on the walls of the house.

In addition, for more than half of Russians, the boundaries of the plots do not allow the specialist to move such a distance that the house would completely fit into the thermal imager. Therefore, the specialist will not be able to take a picture of the entire wall in one unit of time, he needs to dance around the house and take measurements at different angles, and then glue it into a big picture! With such measurements from different places, at each moment of time, the thermogram of the same place on the thermal imager will always be different! We receive inaccurate data ...

Even if we get some data and draw some conclusions... What is their use?

Friends, if there is a problem of heat loss in the house, then it immediately makes itself felt! Why do we need to refer to the readings of the thermal imager, when these problems are already drawn on the roof slopes in the form of icicles! What we are shown on the screen of the thermal imager can be seen without it... A sober head and a visual examination will help.

If there is heat loss, then this place will definitely make itself felt in the form of dampness and frost. From these places always blows cold. Wet slopes indicate heat loss in the window junctions. The release of heat through the roof is clearly visible in the form of snow melting in areas. On the walls, where there are cold bridges, there will be damp spots!

What to do with a thermogram?

For example, I already live in a house and see the following picture on a thermal imager:

It can be seen that the heat escapes through the window (this is the standard) and there are problems in the attic - adjoining the wall. What should I do? Nothing! Can't do anything! I will leave it as it was, because there is no point in remodeling the roof due to the fact that I pay 1 thousand more for gas a month!

It turns out that flashy problems are immediately visible without special equipment, and they must be eliminated! And the small problems that the thermal imager will show are completely unprofitable to eliminate them! Then the normal question arises: Why do I need this examination then ???

Friends, in most cases, the picture is the same for everyone: near the basement of the house and around the windows, the temperature will always be higher than on the surface of the whole house, so what? What can be done here? This is standard for everyone, some have a little more losses, some have less ...

And it turns out that in already operated houses, this procedure simply becomes meaningless, just once again worry about your house, as well as money down the drain.

Such a survey should be ordered when you buy a house from a developer in order to determine the defects in wall and roof insulation, in order to see the cold bridges! Then maybe the developer will remake something, or maybe you are bargaining for a price!