In the everyday life of almost every summer resident, you can find such a universal remedy as copper sulfate. It is used in pest control, as a fertilizer, in soil and tree cultivation. The tool helps well to protect and clean the ground, surfaces from mold and mildew.
In my practice, I use copper sulfate in the fall to prepare the site for the next season. After all, fungal spores are perfectly preserved in the soil in winter.
I hasten to share with you my observations and advice.
- Once every five years, it is recommended to treat the soil with one percent copper sulfate. Thus, there is a simultaneous prevention of soil fungal diseases, protection from parasites and pests and enrichment of the earth with the necessary minerals.
It is very important to maintain a five-year period of time, because copper accumulates in the earth, water and plants, and its excess can do as much harm as lack. Copper sulfate deprives the treated soil of iron, which adversely affects plants, interfering with their growth and formation of ovaries.
- It should be borne in mind that copper sulfate is used to increase acidity. In other words, it is ideal for cultivating and fertilizing alkaline soil.
- Do not forget about the preparatory work. If you took into account my recommendations and decided to prepare the site for the next season in the fall, you first need to remove the entire vegetation layer. The next step will be digging the earth, cleaning the roots of the weeds.
- It is necessary to prepare a solution of copper sulfate in an amount of 2 liters per 1 sq. m.
A container for diluting the solution should be chosen unenamelled plastic or glass so that there is no contact with iron. First, 100 g of copper sulfate is diluted in 3 liters of warm water, then the volume of the mixture is increased by adding water to 10 liters.
In exceptional cases, it is possible to treat the soil with a 3-5% solution (300-500 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water), then it is necessary to give the ground a year off from planting.
It is also possible to reduce the concentration to 0.1% (10 g of vitriol is taken for 10 liters of water). Such a solution is used to fertilize the soil, enrich it with copper.
- The easiest way to work the soil with copper sulfate is to use a watering can.
Thus, using my recommendations, you can not only protect the land from many fungal diseases (fusarium, late blight, spot blight, etc.), but also protect your future harvest.
Read also: How to say goodbye to ants in the garden
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