A resident of the Kuban to create an autonomous house and refused to electricity grids

  • Dec 24, 2019

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Nikolai Driga - a man who built a fully self contained house in the Kuban.
Nikolai Driga - a man who built a fully self contained house in the Kuban.

Recently it is becoming more fashionable to use alternative energy sources - doing home environmentally friendly and independent. Someone thinks that such views are held somewhere abroad, where it has the technology and features, but not from us. Meanwhile, there are craftsmen who implement such projects in our country. One of them lives in the Kuban. The man did not consciously connect your home to the power grid and deliberately "planted" their homes to autonomy.

Alternative house that uses only clean energy.
Alternative house that uses only clean energy.

Steadily rising electricity rates, regular interruptions in the network pushed the engineer of Kuban - Nicholas Drigo - to think seriously about switching to alternative sources of supply. According to the autonomous owner of the house, its housing is not connected to any type of communication!

Wind turbines and solar panels.
Wind turbines and solar panels.

When five years ago, when building a new home there was the need for electricity, with the men asked for this sum in the region of 1.5-2 million rubles, he mused. But after weighing all the "pros" and "cons" have understood that we can all do much better and cheaper. At your own risk, he began to look for alternative sources of energy, namely solar panels and a wind generator. And instead of having to pay fabulous sums the energy sector, Nicholas "planted" his house full autonomy in all for 350 000 rubles.

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Nikolai Driga and its power supply system.
Nikolai Driga and its power supply system.

The main volume of the electric power comes from 18 solar panels with a capacity of 4 kW. Wind generator gives 1.5 kW. All installed system produces electricity in excess of about 300-400 kW / hours per month, and in the summer, when a lot of sunlight, the amount of electricity comes to 1000 kW / h.

When the sun activity is minimal, often during the winter, a man stares for energy consumption. The main consumers of electricity - a fridge and a kettle. Despite the fact that the time of the last only a couple of minutes for the interval he can "eat" about 2 kW, and a refrigerator generally operates incessantly throughout the day.
The whole house supply systems, including:
• a pair of wind turbines with 1.5 kW;
• 2 wind turbine controller;
• Eight battery;
• 18 solar cells 150 and 230 watts.
• solar controller.
• Inverter 6 kw.

Installation of solar panels on the roof.
Installation of solar panels on the roof.

It is heated by the boiler house, which "eats" 60 watts. For heating Nicholas uses pellets - compressed sawdust. Circular pump draws for about 35-40 watts.
Even under the condition that all the equipment man bought about five years ago, according to him, now it's all gone up slightly. This is mainly due to the fact that all the components of the installation are made in Russia.

The average cost of 1 watt is 50-60 rubles, therefore, the solar panel 200 watts would cost in the range of 10 000 rubles. Nicholas explains that choosing the power of batteries and wind generators need to consider not building area, and the amount of electricity that will be consumed.

It is said that alternative energy sources are used more and more often, so recently appeared futuristic concept of a unique hotel on the water with a variety of "eco-chips".

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