Cherry Vladimirskaya has successfully taken root in my garden and bears fruit well, but I had to try and create the necessary conditions for it

  • Dec 16, 2021
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Cherry Vladimirskaya has drooping, like a willow, branches and a spreading crown. Produces fruits with a bright taste and red pulp. The grafted trees bear fruit in the second year after planting. The plant blooms in mid-May.

Cherry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Cherry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Cherry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

In a productive year, you can collect up to 20-25 kg of cherries from one tree. The tree loses its ability to bear fruit after fifteen years.

Suitable place for planting cherries

The area must be ventilated. The plant does not like stagnant air. The acidic and sandy soil in the lowlands does not suit him. There should be a distance of about four meters between the trees. The plant does not tolerate pear, apples and currants nearby.

Before planting, the soil is dug up, weeds and pests are removed. The holes need to be dug up and marked. In the middle lane with loamy heavy soil, the hole should be about 80 cm. At the bottom, you need to lay organic matter, for example, hay, fallen leaves, grass. Further, it is compacted and two buckets of rotted or humus compost are poured in. Then add half a kilogram of deciduous tree ash. Everything needs to be covered with fertile soil from the top layer. Further, 200 g of bone and dolomite flour are poured. Mulching is done with peat, nut husks or sawdust.

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Planting seedlings

Seedlings are bought in nurseries or specialized stores. The bark should be free of damage and cracks. Cherries can be propagated by green cuttings.

Planting cherries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Planting cherries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

In the spring, after the ground warms up, you need to start planting seedlings. Before planting the roots, be sure to inspect and, if necessary, trim the damage. Further, the seedlings are placed in water with "Kornevin" or a similar preparation for 10-12 hours. Then you need to drive a peg one and a half meters high into the center of the hole. The root collar of the tree after planting should protrude 6-7 cm above ground level. The seedling should be placed vertically north of the stake. The roots must be spread. Next, sprinkle everything with the excavated soil and fill the voids.

Water should not touch the root collar. Up to three buckets are poured in several passes under one plant.

The seedling must be tied to the stake with a soft cloth or twine. The trunk circle should be mulched. The layer should be about 7-8 cm.

What to do for proper care

In the first four years, the tree needs special care as its root system is forming. The trunk circle also needs to be monitored. Weeds should not be allowed to develop. It is important to loosen and mulch on time. It is also recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizers.


For the first time, the cherries are pruned after planting, but with great care. This is done in March, one month before the buds appear. Skeletal branches do not shorten, but only remove excess.

It is important to disinfect the sections with brilliant green or garden varnish. The crown should have up to seven branches, which are evenly distributed along the center conductor. Leave the bole about 40 cm. The branches below need to be cut. The central conductor is about 15 cm higher than the rest of the branches.

Cherry pruning. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Cherry pruning. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Features of watering and feeding

Water the plant 2-4 times per season. Up to 15 liters of water are spent on one tree. Watering is carried out after flowering, as well as after harvest. You can also carry out water-charging watering of the plant before frost.

Water should be poured into 10 cm furrows, which are dug along the perimeter of the crown. It is necessary that moisture gets exclusively on the suction roots.

After planting cherries, fertilizers are not required for a whole year. The tree can be fed in the second or third year, when it begins to bear fruit. Top dressing is applied to the furrows after irrigation.

You can use bone meal as well as oven ash. The use of chemicals is optional.

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