Why do you need a red pole in the middle of the forest, and why to know about its purpose

  • Dec 21, 2021
Why do you need a red pole in the middle of the forest, and why to know about its purpose

Every person who regularly goes to the forest to hunt, walk, or to collect the gifts of nature, sooner or later had to stumble upon mysterious wooden pillars. In most cases, they are colored red. Also, on each pillar there are some kind of numerical designations, and in some cases also letters. What are these posts, and why is everyone entering the forest obliged to understand them?

A specific GOST applies to quarter pillars. Photo: ya.ru.
A specific GOST applies to quarter pillars. / Photo: ya.ru.
A specific GOST applies to quarter pillars. / Photo: ya.ru.

The forest is the property of the state, and therefore the forest fund, like any other wealth, is subject to inventory. For this, a so-called block network has been created - a system of forest quarters, which divide the forest into sections, facilitating forestry and forest management. The quarter network is needed to facilitate land surveying, geological prospecting, topography and much more. The network is organized by forestry.

Each forestry is divided into quarters. / Photo: zapoved.net.
Each forestry is divided into quarters. / Photo: zapoved.net.
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Each forest quarter is separated from the other by a clearing. It is on this clearing that the mysterious columns are installed. They are called "quarter pillars". They are needed so that, in principle, it would be possible to navigate in the forest by the map of the quarters. Each quarter has its own numerical index. In addition, a knowledgeable person can determine the direction to the north from the pillars.

Quarter pillars stand on clearings. / Photo: m.mosoblles.com.
Quarter pillars stand on clearings. / Photo: m.mosoblles.com.

The numbering of forest quarters is carried out in a way that is not too understandable for a common person. The fact is that the numbers of forest plantations grow in the direction from northwest to southeast. Thus, the north direction will indicate the edge between the lowest values. However, it is important to take into account one subtlety here: one forest can be part of several forestries. Therefore, on the border pillars, "minced meat" can be obtained from at first glance scattered values. This is because they can fight off to different farms.

You can easily navigate by these pillars. / Photo: pikabu.ru.
You can easily navigate by these pillars. / Photo: pikabu.ru.

Forest quarters come in a variety of sizes. Nevertheless, in the European part of Russia, the length of one quarter glade very rarely exceeds a distance of 2 km. Most often, the length of the side of the block is 500-1000 meters. Once at such a post, you can, if you have a phone, contact the rescuers and name the numbers on the post. After that, the Ministry of Emergencies will easily find the lost nature lover.

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If you get lost, but there is a phone, you can call the rescuers by calling the numbers on the column. / Photo: classpic.ru.
If you get lost, but there is a phone, you can call the rescuers by calling the numbers on the column. / Photo: classpic.ru.

Continuing the topic, read about 3 things, without which it is impossible to meddle in the forest, even for a short while.
A source:


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