I tell you how my wife struggled with high humidity at home, in three ways. And effective alone

  • Dec 24, 2021
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With the onset of cold weather, the batteries pump warm air into the apartment, at the same time lowering the overall humidity of the apartment. Things start to be shocked, for the amusement of children. Hair stands on end, the skin dries and flakes. Naturally, there is a desire to restore this factor of the microclimate at home, I will show how my Wife fought for comfortable air.

I tell you how my wife struggled with high humidity at home, in three ways. And effective alone

In the photo above, you can observe the home weather station, according to it, as well as judging the humidity in the apartment by your well-being. In the lower right corner we can see this parameter, if it is less than 30% then it was no longer comfortable. And the wife raised the humidity in this way:

On battery hung up a richly moistened towel, it dried in about 6 hours and it made you feel comfortable. The moisture evaporated well, saturating the indoor air with moisture.

I tell you how my wife struggled with high humidity at home, in three ways. And effective alone

But this life hack helped for the time being, until it was very cold outside and the batteries were not very hot. But over time, a constant negative temperature was established on the street. And the wife began to apply the second method:

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Washed all things in the house and rugs. The laundry did not have time to accumulate in the basket:

There is only benefit from this method, but in the end it also stopped coping because it was freezing outside at -20, which entailed high temperatures of heating registers, and after it a decrease in humidity, despite the above methods. As a result, I had to dig out the garage and extract this apparatus from there:


It spews out finely dispersed cold vapor due to the ultrasonic device in it. He eats up to two liters of water per day, thus the humidity in the apartment does not drop and the state of health of my family members is excellent. And this is the only way that helps out automatically. Do not forget to subscribe to useful here.