Ten tips for the care of tall crops

  • Dec 24, 2019

Tomatoes - vegetables that require skills and abilities; lazy, growing these crops, will not work. The days when the gardeners could plant the seeds on the site and easily get excellent vegetables: about any diseases and pests and the speech was not.

Harvest tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Harvest tomatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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At the present time, neither the season - then check "for strength." Something new to constantly develop.

Let us dwell on the most important nuances.

  • Watered and fed planted seedlings in the first fourteen or fifteen days of moderate to culture is not They began to "fatten" because as a result of the subsequent delay fruiting and the risk of developing fungal diseases. Therefore, excessive protection can be fatal to young crops, remember this.
  • Build a culture of 1-2 stalk, leave stepson under the first blossoms brush, because the lower stepson can throw color only after the seventh-eighth leaf, and bush visually lose its attractive appearance.
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Cut suckers before they reach three centimeters to the minimum "maim" culture.

Podgadat sunny day for pasynkovaniya to culture it was not soggy. Wounds quickly and easily can be delayed.

  • When the first leaves of tomato flowers were tremendous - it is most likely a sign of stress or "fattening" of culture.

Flowers remove these because they are formed from large, but twisting and unappealing fruit. They take a lot of energy in the culture and retard the growth of the remaining tomatoes on the bush.

  • During maturation of fruit brush, remove any leaves on it, but not more than 2, 3 seven or eight days. Do this by using secateurs or scissors, to avoid "scoring" on the stem.
Keep in mind that culture must be at least 15 leaves, and in the hot season - and even more. Therefore, without fanaticism!
  • If you want to get a giant tomato, so that all were amazed, keep in mind that to achieve such a result is difficult, even if you purchased the seeds of an appropriate variety.

The smaller the fruit on the culture, the more they weigh. You can try to conduct an experiment!

Once every seven or eight days, you need to thin out the flower brush, remove one of the flowers.
  • If you grow tomatoes on a trellis, when WRAPPING stem around Twine turn the top clockwise to thread the culture did not prevent (it did not "choke") by turning over sun.
  • Massive tassels and tie the tomatoes. Otherwise brush bent, what is to prevent the development of tomato.
  • Help pollinate the tomatoes, especially during the hot season. 2-3 times a day shake floral brush, spray water over the tops of large droplets cultures (t water - no less than sixteen degrees).
  • So that the fruits do not crack or shrinking in the hot, do not remove a lot of leaves at the same time, time to "feed" the bushes of tomatoes fertilizers that contain micro elements, spend watering crops for 3-4 hours before the sun go down to the night they could dry.
  • Remember that manage to ripen those tomatoes, which were fastened to the last summer month. For fifty or sixty days prior to the closing of an exemplary collection prischipnite top of stalks of tomatoes. Do not forget to save the 2-3 leaf over the last flower brush to culture is not lost. Then there will be less need to water culture and increase in potassium fertilize dosage.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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