Do I need to transfer the automatic transmission to the "P" or "N" modes when you stand at a traffic light

  • Jan 08, 2022
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Do I need to transfer the automatic transmission to the " P" or " N" modes when you stand at a traffic light

Despite the fact that an automatic transmission has ceased to be a rarity in our time, disputes about certain nuances of its operation do not subside among motorists to this day. The simplest and most striking proof of this is the dispute around the need to switch modes "P" or "N" during a short stop in a very dense traffic or at a traffic light. So what is the right decision?

How do you switch the selector? Photo:
How do you switch the selector? / Photo:
How do you switch the selector? / Photo:

Selecting the frequency and method of using the mentioned automatic transmission modes directly depends on the situation in which the motorist is and what kind of transmission is installed in his car. And here it is important to emphasize the main thing: the most correct answer can always be found in the operating manual attached to a specific individual car model! In it you can find, among other things, the answer to any topical question about the use of the "P" and "N" modes.

There is no sense at which stops make no sense. / Photo:
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There is no sense at which stops make no sense. / Photo:

However, in general and in general, the practice in relation to an automatic transmission is as follows. So, if the motorist is not going to switch the gearbox selector to "P" or "N" at every traffic light, then nothing really terrible will happen to the car. In any case, if we are talking about a classical automaton. At the same time, do not forget: in the "N" mode, the car must still be held in place with the main or hand brake, otherwise it will roll! If you want to rest your leg, you should strictly use the "P" mode. However, it is worth wasting time and going into it on a classic machine only when the stop will last at least 1 minute.

The brake still needs to be applied. / Photo:
The brake still needs to be applied. / Photo:

The situation is somewhat different with the "robot". Of course, if you do not translate the "robot" selector at each traffic light to "N", then nothing bad will happen. True, this will not add to the health of the automatic transmission, since in the "Drive" mode the disks are open, and the unit is under increased load. This means that if the car stops for 15 seconds or more, it is still better to switch the switch lever to "Neutral".

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Sometimes you need to use. / Photo:
Sometimes you need to use. / Photo:

Continuing the topic, read about 7 super reliable carsthat will not fail after 20 years of driving.
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