Phosphate-potassium fertilizers in the plant nutrition system - which ones I use, for what and why

  • Jan 10, 2022

Fertilizers play a special role in the garden and vegetable garden. On my site, I use different formulations and mixtures. I'll tell you about the group of phosphorus-potassium drugs and the method of their use.

Fertilizer. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Fertilizer. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Fertilizer. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Mineral fertilizers

By its type, fertilizers can be divided into several groups: organic, mineral, organomineral and bacterial. In my garden, I mainly use mineral fertilizers. If the dosages are observed and used correctly, they do not carry any harm to humans.

Fertilizers can be single-component or contain several elements. Phosphorus-potassium preparations contain, first of all, phosphorus and potassium. These elements are in the form of different compounds. Additionally, other components can be added to the composition.

Phosphorus-potassium preparations

Phosphorus and potassium, together with nitrogen, are the main nutrients. Phosphorus is responsible for the processes of respiration and nutrition, regulates the mechanism of energy distribution. It affects the yield and flowering abundance.

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Potassium, in turn, is responsible for plant chlorophyll levels. The quality of flowers and fruits largely depends on it.

By applying these two elements in a complex, I simultaneously influence most of the important life processes of plants - from germination to fruit setting.

I widely use several popular mineral fertilizers. I bring nitrophoska under fruit trees. This medicine contains equal proportions of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus (12% each). Since the middle of summer I have been using Diammophoska. It does not contain nitrogen, but only potassium and phosphorus, 12% each. I often use nitrophos with 11% potassium and 16% phosphorus.

In the spring I bring in nitrophosphate as the main battery. I use the rate of 50 g per square meter. Diammophos and nitrophos are well suited for flowers. In addition to potassium and phosphorus, they contain trace elements: iron, magnesium, sulfur, zinc. I put in 30 g per m². This increases the duration and abundance of flowering.

Phosphorus-potassium preparations. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Phosphorus-potassium preparations. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Potassium monophosphate

Among the phosphorus-potassium group, there is the most effective fertilizer - potassium monophosphate. The main difference from other similar mineral fertilizers is its rapid assimilation by plants.

Potassium monophosphate. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Potassium monophosphate. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Potassium monophosphate is highly soluble in water and is suitable for foliar feeding. I use it if I need to urgently correct a nutritional deficiency. This fertilizer contains 9 more microelements.

For all its benefits, this drug has a significant drawback - cost. Therefore, I do not use it everywhere. Other analogues have a more favorable price-quality ratio.

Of course, my arsenal is not limited to the phosphate-potash group. But they play a significant role in my approach to plant nutrition. I use them from spring to autumn. I often add it with mulch when preparing the garden for winter.

Read also: Universal fertilizer: ash and its correct use in the garden and vegetable garden

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