Why did Soviet soldiers wear twisted overcoats in the summer

  • Jan 19, 2022
Why did Soviet soldiers wear twisted overcoats in the summer

In films about the war, documentary chronicles and old photographs, Red Army soldiers appear every now and then, who wear some kind of cloth reconciliations over their shoulders. It is easy to guess that this is an overcoat. The question is different: why do the Red Army wear overcoats even in the warm season?

Overcoat - the most important part of the wardrobe. |Photo: ivejournal.com.
Overcoat - the most important part of the wardrobe. |Photo: ivejournal.com.
Overcoat - the most important part of the wardrobe. |Photo: ivejournal.com.

In fact, with overcoats and Red Army soldiers in old photographs, everything is quite simple. In the army, the uniform is divided primarily into summer and winter. Two sets differ in only two things: the number and type of underwear, as well as the type of headgear. A warm overcoat in Soviet times was not a defining type of uniform for a serviceman and was issued for all seasons.

In addition to the overcoat, they could wear a cape. |Photo: iarex.ru.
In addition to the overcoat, they could wear a cape. |Photo: iarex.ru.

It was not just done. The fact is that in the vast majority of cases in our latitudes it is quite cold. Even in summer, the air temperature can drop in temperate latitudes to values ​​that are harmful to human health, especially in bad weather or at night. The overcoat is able to quickly warm the fighter. This is especially important when military service is carried out outside the army barracks.

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They took it only in case of a long departure from the barracks. |Photo: m.fishki.net.
They took it only in case of a long departure from the barracks. |Photo: m.fishki.net.

The Red Army did not carry overcoats with them all the time. In peacetime, being on barracks, overcoats were kept indoors and used in the summer and in the off-season only when there was an objective need for this. At the same time, the fighters were tied with overcoats every time they went out to practice in the field. Another thing is military time. During the war, soldiers were either on the front line or constantly marching. Under such conditions, it is not possible to store overcoats somewhere separate from the unit. Therefore, just in case, the soldiers carried warm outerwear with them.

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The trenches are damp and cold. |Photo: Twitter.
The trenches are damp and cold. |Photo: Twitter.

During the war years, the overcoat was a faithful assistant even in the summer, including due to the fact that sitting in an earthen trench is not very pleasant. And most importantly - frankly unhealthy. Prolonged exposure to damp ground is fraught with at least a cold. However, since the fighters always had an overcoat at hand, they had the opportunity, albeit slightly, but to improve their trench life.

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like in the red army distributed German trophies.
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