I grow cucumbers in a greenhouse: from soil preparation to harvesting - all about the process

  • Jan 26, 2022
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Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is somewhat different from cultivating a vegetable in the open field. When planting seedlings in greenhouses, there are several nuances, including the correct choice of variety, planting dates and further care. Greenhouse cucumbers need additional watering and do not depend on the vagaries of nature. On the main points of the greenhouse cultivation of cucumbers, I propose to discuss together.

Cucumbers in a greenhouse. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Cucumbers in a greenhouse. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Cucumbers in a greenhouse. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

Features of the choice of variety

For greenhouses, cucumber varieties are suitable that do not require pollination with the help of insects. Choose species that do not grow too much. A neat cucumber vine is easier to care for and easier to harvest. Opt for disease and pest resistant varieties.

Greenhouse preparation

For cucumber seedlings, I have been preparing the ground since autumn. This vegetable prefers acid-neutral, well-drained, light soils. After the end of the sowing season, it is desirable to sow the soil with green manure, such as mustard. With the arrival of the first frosts, dig the ground and treat with fungicidal compounds. In the spring, the soil is dug up again. Thoroughly grind the soil, eliminating all lumps and large fractions. The best choice would be a mixture of soddy soil, humus and sand in proportions of 4:1:1. Add wood ash, rotted sawdust, complex mineral fertilizers to this substrate and mix evenly over the entire surface of the greenhouse soil.

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We determine the timing of the transplant

With the onset of warm weather, you can prepare for planting seedlings in the greenhouse. Wait until the soil warms up to +16+18 ℃ at night. At a lower temperature, your seedlings will take root and get sick longer. It will help to quickly warm the earth by spilling it with hot water, followed by covering it with a polymer film. As a rule, by the end of May, greenhouses are ready for the relocation of cucumbers.

Cucumbers. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Cucumbers. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

Rules for planting in greenhouses

A week before transplanting, begin to harden the seedlings, gradually lowering the temperature of its content. Before transplanting, level the soil with a rake. Each bush should be planted in a separate hole, on the bottom of which put rotted manure and a layer of fertile soil. Spill the seedlings properly and, together with an earthy clod, transfer them to a pre-moistened hole. If your bushes have stretched out during the period of being in the apartment, then they can be deepened to the cotyledon leaves. Sprinkle the seedling with a layer of black soil and pour warm water.

cucumber rows

It is necessary to leave sufficient distance between rows and individual seedlings. Between each lash I make a gap of 30-40 cm, and between rows up to 1 m. This distance will allow the plants to feel free, and will give you the opportunity to care for the vines.

After transplant

Care for cucumbers after transplantation is reduced to the following procedures:

  • top dressing

Fertilize vegetables during the growth period with nitrogen, and during flowering and fruit formation with potassium, phosphorus and manganese.

  • ventilation

In order to avoid the appearance of fungus from excessive moisture, ventilate the greenhouses daily, avoiding drafts.

  • watering

Regular watering will allow plants to develop color and fruit ovaries. Water vegetables once every 2-3 days, and on dry days daily.

  • treatment

Greenhouse cucumbers are often attacked by pests, so regular handling should be on your to-do list.

  • loosening
Cucumber care. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Cucumber care. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

If you mulched seedlings when planting, then there will be less need for regular loosening. Do not let the soil harden and loosen the soil in time. Be careful not to damage the delicate roots.

Having planted healthy seedlings in a greenhouse, you will only have to carry out regular care for the plants. Form whips, tie vines to supports, regularly harvest ripe crops.

How do you grow cucumbers in greenhouses?

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