Kohlrabi cabbage in the open field: seed and seedling cultivation methods. Getting to grips with technology

  • Feb 03, 2022

I grow a wide variety of cabbages, including kohlrabi, which do not require special techniques. I pay the main attention to the selection of the place and timing of landing, as well as the organization of the care system.

Kohlrabi cabbage. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Kohlrabi cabbage. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Kohlrabi cabbage. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

A distinctive feature of kohlrabi is a thickened edible stem with juicy dense sweetish flesh and thick greenish or purple skin. This vegetable crop develops a powerful tap root system with a large number of lateral branches.

Location selection

For kohlrabi, I select a site with good lighting. I take into account that this culture develops well at a daytime temperature of about + 16... + 18 ° C. At night, it can withstand a decrease in the indicator to + 8... + 10 ° C. If early varieties are planted when the air is warmed up to + 6... + 10 ° C, then excessive flowering may develop.

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The soil is required neutral or slightly alkaline. Kohlrabi develops well on loose loams rich in useful compounds.

The best predecessors are tomatoes, zucchini, potatoes. Kohlrabi grows magnificently after carrots, legumes, pumpkins, herbaceous perennials. You can not use the ridges where any varieties belonging to the Cruciferous family were cultivated last season.

Kohlrabi cabbage. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Kohlrabi cabbage. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

I prefer to prepare the plot in the fall, scattering rotted compost (4-5 kg), supplemented with a glass of ash and 1 tsp. l. urea, based on 1 m2. I dig up the soil freed from weeds and debris.

Seedling growing method

Sowing seeds of kohlrabi cabbage at home I spend in the 2-3rd decade of March. This allows strong, viable seedlings to be moved to open beds in early May.

Since this vegetable crop is cold-resistant and does not suffer from the first autumn frosts, it can be planted in stages, observing an interval of 2 weeks.

I practice seedling technology mainly for hybrid and early ripe varieties of kohlrabi. I use a loose substrate with a light structure. With self-preparation, I mix rotted compost with crushed soddy soil in equal proportions.

Sowing seeds
Sowing seeds

Since fragile seedlings do not tolerate picking, I use individual molds, giving preference to peat cups, briquettes, tablets.

I begin the preparation of seeds with exposure for 15 minutes in water heated to +50 ° C. Then I throw them back on a sieve and immerse them for 1 minute in cold water with the addition of ice. After that, the grains are poured with a stimulating solution, keeping for 12 hours. After this procedure, I keep the washed seed in the refrigerator for a day. Then I lay it out between layers of a moistened soft linen napkin until it pecks.

Having finished the sowing process, I cover the molds with a transparent film or glass. I install in a room with a temperature of +18... +21 ° C. I remove the cover when sprouts appear. For a week and a half, I place the plants in cool conditions with a temperature of about 8 ° C. Then again I provide a temperature of at least 18 ° C.

Seedlings require timely soil moisture. After the formation of two leaves, I dissolve the mineral complex (1/2 tsp. l.) in 1 liter of water and carry out top dressing. In order to prevent the black leg, young seedlings are watered with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

For hardening 14-15 days before the planned planting, I begin to take out seedlings daily on the balcony, gradually lengthening the period of being outdoors.

Growing from seed

I loosen and level the prepared beds in the spring. I start sowing work in the first decade of May. The norm is 0.1-0.2 g / m2.

I make grooves with a depth of 1.5-2.5 cm. Row spacing - 30 cm, interval between grains - 3-4 cm. I moisten the grooves before sowing.

kohlrabi seedling
kohlrabi seedling

When seedlings reach a height of 4-5 cm, thinning is carried out. For early cultures, I make the distance between individual specimens 10-15 cm. For mid- and late-ripening varieties, this figure is 25-50 cm. Dug seedlings can be transplanted.

The seed method is more suitable for varieties with medium and late ripening.

It is important to harvest kohlrabi while the stems remain juicy. When overripe, they lose their taste and commercial characteristics.

If you have experience growing this type of cabbage, share your results in the comments.

Read also: The first January plantings for seedlings - with which plants do I start the new summer season

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#kohlrabi cabbage#cultivation and care#garden