Lobelia seedlings: how to grow and dive at home

  • Feb 05, 2022

Delicate lobelia petals, painted in purple, red shades of varying degrees of saturation, look great on alpine slides, borders, in flower beds. I am happy to grow this beautiful flower in flowerpots, wall planters. When propagating by seeds, the main problem is their small size.

Lobelia. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Lobelia. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Lobelia. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

Under natural conditions, lobelia develops as a perennial. This plant is native to the subtropics. Given the unstable climatic conditions, I grow this ornamental plant mainly as an annual crop.

Location selection

Lobelia is quite capricious, so I take into account the preferences of this flower:

  • loose breathable soil (sandy loam, light loam) with an average fertility index;
  • good lighting throughout the day;
  • providing protection against drafts;
  • lack of swampiness of the area.
Lobelia. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
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Lobelia. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

Sowing for seedlings

When cultivating lobelia, I start sowing work in February-March. I immediately install special phytolamps near the containers. This is important to ensure the quality development of delicate thin seedlings and prevent their possible stretching.

More precise dates can be clarified by the information indicated by the manufacturer on the label.

Very small, almost dusty lobelia seeds are difficult to work with. Therefore, I take dry, fine-grained, pre-sifted sand through a sieve. I mix it in equal proportions with seed.


  1. I'm preparing the substrate. More often I buy its universal type, focused on flower crops. Sometimes I cook on my own on the basis of crushed sod land. I combine it in equal proportions with sand, well-rotted compost, and pounded peat. Considering that the soil should be neutral, I add a little dolomite flour if necessary.
  2. I spread, lightly tamping, the soil mixture into a low plastic container equipped with drainage holes and a tray. I moisten the substrate, after which I leave it in this state for 8 hours.
  3. I pour out the seeds of lobelia, previously mixed with sand, on a paper sheet. I fold it into a corner and scatter it on the surface of the soil in an even thin layer.
  4. Seeds do not need to be covered with a substrate. I moisten them with settled water with the addition of fungicides using a spray gun.
  5. I cover the seedling container with a sheet of transparent plastic, glass or film.
lobelia seedlings
lobelia seedlings

seedling care

I keep seedlings in a bright room away from midday overly burning sunlight. When shoots appear, I do not remove the shelter. I remove it only at the picking stage after the formation of 2-3 leaves.

I air the container every day. If watering is required, pour the settled liquid into the pan. Drying out of the soil has a detrimental effect on the development of plants that may die. When mold spots appear, I carefully remove the infected substrate. I spray the surface with powdered activated charcoal.

seedling care
seedling care

I water the seedlings before picking. An hour later, I carefully dig out the fragile shoots with a teaspoon, capturing 2-4 pieces. Immediately, together with an earthen clod, I transfer it into small molds with a substrate. I lightly press the soil and spray.

You can sow lobelia directly into peat tablets. This eliminates the stage of picking. It is easier to work with granular seeds.

The speared shoots of lobelia, which have reached a height of 3-3.5 cm, I cut slightly, removing 2-3 mm from above. This technique activates the development of lateral processes. The time for landing on the site comes after the establishment of stable warm weather. If you have experience growing quality lobelia seedlings, share your results in the comments.

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#lobelia seedlings#picking and growing seedlings#flowers