5 disadvantages of front-wheel drive that often make drivers regret choosing it

  • Mar 09, 2022
5 disadvantages of front-wheel drive that often make drivers regret choosing it

Front-wheel drive cars are perceived by many drivers as much more economical and efficient. However, like any other technical solution, front-wheel drive has very specific disadvantages that make regret its presence in a number of driving situations, even when the driver is not an adept at maneuverable winter driving or sports drift.

1. Uneven tire wear

Wear will be uneven. Photo: automnl.com.
Wear will be uneven. /Photo: automnl.com.
Wear will be uneven. /Photo: automnl.com.

A front-wheel drive car does not wear the tires evenly, unlike a rear-wheel drive car. And all because in the case of the latter, both the lateral load and the longitudinal load simultaneously affect all the wheels. While in cars with front-wheel drive, both loads act only on the front wheels.

2. Suspension maintenance cost

Spread out for repairs. /Photo: deal.by.
Spread out for repairs. /Photo: deal.by.

With comparable classes of cars and a comparable price category, a front-wheel drive car loses in terms of efficiency. The suspension in such machines as a whole is noticeably more difficult, and therefore more expensive to repair. Rear-wheel drive cars are usually equipped with very simple suspension.

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3. Controllability

The handling of the car suffers. / Photo: ptzgovorit.ru.
The handling of the car suffers. / Photo: ptzgovorit.ru.

The steering wheel in a front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive car behaves differently. In general, rear-wheel drive cars show much better handling in a variety of situations. And all because the steering wheel in a front-wheel drive car has to deal with additional forces and moments.

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4. Road grip

Cars feel different. /Photo: autoleak.ru.
Cars feel different. /Photo: autoleak.ru.

Rear-wheel drive cars, unlike front-wheel drive cars, are not only more willing to drive downhill, but also show much better grip on the road surface. This feature is especially pronounced in the implementation of a sharp acceleration. And all because rear-wheel drive cars in a predictable way, at the moment of gaining speed, "squat" on the rear axle, and not on the front.

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5. Maneuverability

Cars behave differently. / Photo: ya.ru.
Cars behave differently. / Photo: ya.ru.

Turning around in a tight yard in a rear-wheel drive car is much easier than in a front-wheel drive car. In the latter, the rotation of the wheels is much more limited by the angle of rotation of the CV joints.

In continuation of the topic, read about what is more important when buying a used car - mileage or year of issue.
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