The secret of the firm: why domestic cashiers check overstrain

  • Dec 24, 2019
Torn check.
Torn check.

I'm sure many fellow citizens paid attention to the fact that all domestic cashiers after the "punch" of goods shall be anguish check. In this case, hardly anyone knows for sure why and for what reason it is done. Surprisingly, even many cashiers nowadays is not they do not know what they are taught to do it. It all began after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Why so do cashiers. / Photo:
Why so do cashiers. / Photo:

Many young salesmen and cashiers will simply say that the overstrain check is necessary under the instruction of their teachers to be "put out". It is striking that in most cases people do not even bother to clarify what exactly is being done. The thing is that for almost 23 years to tear checks in Russia it was necessary to be sure with the letter Act in accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers # 745, which was adopted in late 1993 year.

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The tradition is very old. / Photo:
The tradition is very old. / Photo:

The document said that if the organization carries out monetary calculation using cash, it is obliged to give the customer a receipt. In this case, the issuance of a check on the customer's hands, it must be "repaid" by using a stamp or tear. So it turned out that keeping a stamp on each checkout is too expensive and frankly uncomfortable. Therefore, cashiers check only began to tear the paper.

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Why grub check. / Photo:
Why grub check. / Photo:

It is also the fact that when the decision was made 745 shopping looked somewhat different. First, the client selects the desired items, then took a seller ticket for these goods and going to pay for it at the cash register. The consumer then returned to the office and showed the check. Seller "put out" the document and gave the product. Torn check did not allow unscrupulous citizens using this information twice for purchase.

Now it is not necessary to tear. / Photo:
Now it is not necessary to tear. / Photo:

Starting from 2016, Russia's checks no longer need to vomit. Resolution 745 was canceled by the new law - namely, the Resolution 1173. It was accepted by the Russian Government. However, the tear checks had already become a kind of tradition. Many cashiers continue not only to do, but also to teach this "wisdom" new generation of stores employees.

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