Brussels sprouts are rarely found in summer cottages, but the process of growing them is not particularly difficult. Consider the agricultural technology of growing this crop.
It is a biennial plant, in the first year it forms heads, in the second - flowering shoots. It blooms with yellow flowers collected in a brush, which form pods with small seeds.
The height of the stalk of Brussels sprouts is up to 50 cm, medium-sized leaves on thin petioles grow on it. Small, up to 20 g, heads are formed under the leaves. Up to 50 heads can be harvested from one plant.
The most popular varieties include:
- Boxer F1. Medium-late, with medium, round heads. Resistant to cold and disease.
- Hercules. Late ripe, with small (10 g) heads. Resistant to diseases and temperature extremes.
- Dolmic F1. An early variety with heads that can be frozen.
- Curl. Late-ripening, with rather high, up to 1 m, stem.
- Rosella. Mid-early, characterized by friendly maturation.
Growing seedlings
I grow Brussels sprouts in seedlings. Seeds of early varieties are sown in mid-March, late - after April 10. Landing in open ground is carried out no earlier than mid-May.
The soil for planting seeds should be loose and nutritious. I prefer to use purchased seed, as it has gone through all the necessary stages of preparation.
I sow to a depth of no more than 1 cm, in individual containers. I water with a pale pink solution of manganese, maintain a temperature of + 20 ° C. After germination, the average daily temperature should be +10°С (+7° at night, +12° during the day). Humidity - 70%.
Sprouts require high-quality lighting and 14 hours of daylight. I spend the first dressing as soon as the bushes acquire 2 main leaves, the next every 15 days. I water when the topsoil dries out. 14 days before planting, I start hardening seedlings.
Planting in the beds
The area intended for planting Brussels sprouts should be well lit. I fertilize the soil in the fall, during digging. I try not to plant a crop after any cruciferous. As neighbors, I avoid onions and potatoes.
As soon as the seedlings have 5 main leaves, it can be transplanted into beds. To do this, I stop watering for 7 days, and on the day of transplantation, I water the sprouts abundantly in the morning. I land in the evening. The distance between the landing pits is 60 × 60 cm. I transplant the bushes with a clod of earth on the roots, put them in the holes on the cotyledon leaves, sprinkle with soil, compact, water.
I water 1-2 times a week, spending about 35 liters of water per 1 m². As soon as the heads form, I increase the volume of water to 50 liters.
2 weeks after planting, I apply the first fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium. I spend the second feeding with complex compositions during the formation of the ovaries, the third during the formation of the heads themselves.
The soil under the crop needs regular loosening and removal of weeds. Usually I combine these works. I never spend hilling Brussels sprouts, it will only bring harm.
To increase the yield, I pinch the apical bud of the plant. I carry out this procedure in the last days of August, or in the first days of September.
The main rule of crop care is to carry out prevention against diseases and pest attacks. I use industrial preparations for this. Consultants in the store will help you choose which, focusing on the symptoms you describe.
Growing Brussels sprouts is not much different from the cultivation of other crops. If desired, you can get a large crop of this crop.
You can share your growing experience in the comments to this article.
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#cabbage#Brussels sprouts#cultivation and care