8 products that in no case do not need to be heated in the microwave

  • Dec 24, 2019

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 8 products that must not be heated in the microwave.
8 products that must not be heated in the microwave.

Affairs in the big city is becoming more and time for cooking - less. And even if it is possible to carve out an hour on pokoldovat at the stove, the food is prepared for the future, for a couple of days ahead. Here are just a warm up in the microwave is not all of the products is beneficial. And the "heroes" of this review and all should be kept away from the oven!

Some products microwave contraindicated.
Some products microwave contraindicated.

Microwave oven - a great invention. And how we ever lived without rapid preheating dinner or lunch at work? A hot sandwiches... But not all products in the microwave heating will benefit. In order not to degrade the quality of the food and not potentially harm the health, try not to warm up ...

1-3.Selderey, spinach and beets

Must not be heated in the microwave: celery, spinach, beets.
Must not be heated in the microwave: celery, spinach, beets.

High temperatures can make nitrates, which are often contained in these vegetables, toxic to humans. And, according to some researchers, even potentially carcinogenic. So it is better to remove these dangerous guys from dishes before heating.

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4. mushrooms

Must not be heated in the microwave: mushrooms.
Must not be heated in the microwave: mushrooms.

Everything is not so dramatic, and far easier: Ideally, mushrooms should be eaten immediately after cooking. Because useful proteins in their composition begin to deteriorate the moment, how do you make the first cut. And as a result can provide a heaviness in the stomach and bloating. A re-heating only makes the situation worse.

5. eggs

Must not be heated in the microwave eggs
Must not be heated in the microwave eggs

Heating of this protein bomb can release toxins that are potentially harmful to the digestive system. And, as in the case of mushrooms, heaviness in the stomach provided. That is why most good cafes staff refuse to warm you have ordered an omelet or a tasty cake-Kish.

6. Potatoes

Must not be heated in the microwave potatoes.
Must not be heated in the microwave potatoes.

With potatoes It's Complicated. It turns out, to leave a freshly prepared potato "cool" on the table at room temperature - not the best idea. Such conditions may trigger the growth of bacteria botulism destroy are not so easy, especially in a microwave oven. That is why it is better to put the potatoes in the refrigerator. A reheat on the stove or in the oven.

7. rice

Must not be heated in the microwave rice.
Must not be heated in the microwave rice.

You think of potatoes still hard? Then the figure will surprise you at all. According to the instructions of the British Agency for food quality standards (Food Standards Agency), uncooked rice can contain bacteria that trigger food poisoning. Since bacterial spores can survive even heat treatment by leaving the rice to cool at room temperature, the growth of bacteria only multiplied. Warming up also will not destroy them. So that the rice - or once there, either immediately in the refrigerator. And do not reheat. Or maybe, and did refuse?

8. Chicken meat

Must not be heated in the microwave: chicken.
Must not be heated in the microwave: chicken.

Its protein structure is modified when re hen chilled heat. Which can lead to indigestion. If too warm, the way that the meat was equally hot both inside and outside. Microwave oven is not always possible to achieve this effect. So it is better the old fashioned way, in a skillet.

And do not forget to look at the list 10 foods that slowly destroy mankind. Maybe it's time to abandon them?

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