Why laying paving slabs on sand is not the best idea

  • May 10, 2022
Why laying paving slabs on sand is not the best idea

Spring will be upon us very soon. Someone with the beginning of warm days wants to get out somewhere in nature as soon as possible. However, there is also such a category of citizens for whom the beginning of spring means the beginning of the dacha and construction seasons. There is always something to improve on your favorite hacienda! For example, finally put a new paving slab. That's just putting it immediately on the river sand may not be the best idea. And that's why.

Putting on the sand is not the best idea. | Photo: otc.ru.
Putting on the sand is not the best idea. | Photo: otc.ru.
Putting on the sand is not the best idea. | Photo: otc.ru.

Many masters really do not bother and put paving slabs on ordinary washed river sand. You can do this, but in this case there is no guarantee that one of the two problems will not manifest itself over time. Firstly, with this design of the track, the slightest movement of the soil will lead to warping of the tile, and possibly to the destruction of the track. Secondly, there is no guarantee that hated weeds will not sprout through the river sand, the fight against which will add a headache to the owner.

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We use a granite axis. |Photo: tiu.ru.
We use a granite axis. |Photo: tiu.ru.

In order to get rid of two potential problems at once, experienced craftsmen put paving slabs by no means on the sand. It is laid on a two-component coating. The first layer is a solution of river sand and cement. The second layer on top is a granite axis. Using this combination will not allow weeds to grow through the tile, and will also increase the strength and reliability of the entire track.

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track for many years. |Photo: toksovo-pesok.ru.
track for many years. |Photo: toksovo-pesok.ru.

Pavement paths made according to this combination are most often not afraid of either the movement of the soil or its failures. Structural strength increases by 3 times. The service life of such a track is guaranteed to increase up to 10 years. It is important to note that with this approach, fine granite screenings de facto occupy the niche of river sand. It is a very dense and heavy material. Also, for greater reliability, it will not be superfluous to add a certain amount of powdered herbicide to the track during construction. Just in case.

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At least 10 years. |Photo: m.kgkarelia.ru.
At least 10 years. |Photo: m.kgkarelia.ru.

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