The cavalry was widely used until the Second World War. Just as in the Russian Empire, Cossack formations continued to exist in the Soviet Union, although after the civil war their purpose changed somewhat. One of the most famous cavalry attacks of World War II remains the Kushchevskaya attack on August 2, 1942. So why could no one leave the Cossacks attacking with lava?
Of course, the assertion that no one could stop the cavalry attack is an exaggeration and an apology for the Cossacks in particular and the cavalry in general. It’s worth starting with the fact that the Cossack lava attack is not something unique. At one time, the Cossacks adopted this tactical technique from the steppe nomads. In fact, it was used in one way or another by various formations of light cavalry in different countries.
As for the unstoppability of lava, the main secret of the success of any light cavalry attack is that it should take place there or when there will be no one to stop the cavalry. In the Middle Ages and Modern times, light cavalry, including Cossacks, were used primarily for completion of the defeat of the enemy, who has already violated or completely lost the battle formations and the ability to effectively defense. Also, light cavalry was widely used for guerrilla (small) warfare and raids behind enemy lines.
In other words, light cavalry "according to the textbook" should appear where the enemy will hardly be able to oppose it. Light cavalry, in principle, is not intended to make frontal attacks, and it does not matter who they are: lancers, hussars or Cossacks. During the years of the Civil War, the First World War and the Second World War, the cavalry was primarily used as a mobile mobile force for raids behind enemy lines. In the context of the civil war, it was especially valuable, since it de facto lacked a front in the usual sense.
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It is important to understand that even today the horse has a number of serious advantages, because it can go where you don’t want to go with your feet, but the car can no longer move. At the same time, after the Civil War in Russia, light cavalry was primarily considered as dragoons. formations: the cavalrymen had to quickly get to the place on horseback, and then act as infantry. Of course, in the war of engines and machine guns of the 20th century, the “traditional” cavalry had less and less space every year.
If you want to know even more interesting things, then you should read about why in the old days soldiers went in wide regiments, and then the fighters began to be "scattered" along the front.