Lemon leaves are falling. Causes and solutions to the problem

  • May 18, 2022
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Lemon refers to evergreens and abundant fall of foliage is not typical for it. Most often, this tells the owner that the citrus is in a state of severe stress. In such a situation, it is urgent to determine the cause and eliminate it.

Lemons. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Lemons. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Lemons. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

Reasons for feeling unwell

The most common factors of discomfort, I can include the following situations:

  • excessive heat or pronounced cold (optimal temperature values ​​for lemon are in the range from +18 to +27 ° С);
  • temperature jumps and through air currents (citrus does not tolerate either, the air in the room should be refreshed very carefully);
  • stagnation of irrigation fluid in the absence of the necessary drainage (an excessive amount of fluid can provoke the appearance of fungus or rot, and also worsens the oxygen saturation of the root system);
  • drying of the soil and insufficient watering (dry land damages the roots and disrupts the plant's nutrition);
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  • incorrect water temperature for irrigation (too hot or icy);
  • lack of nutrition in the soil (devastation of the soil occurs in the absence of timely top dressing);
  • lack of conditions for an annual dormant period (a lemon needs a “wintering” with certain conditions that help the plant “reboot” for the new season);
  • lack of lighting (citrus is photophilous, this feature should affect the location of the pot);
  • early flowering tolerance (you can allow a lemon to bloom and bear fruit only for 3 years of life);
  • lack of optimal air humidity regime (65–70%).
Lemons. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com
Lemons. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©ofazende.com

Ways to solve the problem

The simplest situations are solved by correcting and changing the care regimen. Lemon begins to receive proper treatment and quickly bounces back over time. However, some problematic issues require a special approach.

First of all, you should carefully examine the bush and try to most accurately determine the cause of the poor condition of the bush and the leaves flying around.

If excess water is found, the bush, together with a clod of earth, is removed from the pot and the roots are carefully examined. If rot is found, the damaged roots are carefully cut off, and the cut points are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then the updated plant is placed in a new soil, after lowering the roots into a growth stimulator. Watering is limited for a while, and the lemon itself is fertilized with Kornevin.

When overdrying, the plant begins to be shed with water gradually and carefully: every two hours, 100 ml of warm settled water is poured into the pot. A day later, the operation is repeated. Morning spraying with water with the addition of "Epin" is added to the usual irrigation.


Temperature stressful situations are solved, first of all, by setting an acceptable level of heat. Then the plant is transplanted into a new land fertilized with Kornevin and sprayed with Epin's solution. Within a week, the lemon is tempered by a gentle method, and then exposed to a well-lit place.

Flying around a lemon is an unpleasant process, but with the proper reaction, such situations are completely solvable.

Do you grow lemons at home?

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#lemons#garden#falling leaves on a lemon