The flowers fall off the eggplants in the greenhouse. Reasons for what is happening

  • May 20, 2022

Growing eggplant is a rather complicated procedure that requires special attention from the gardener. Under adverse conditions, vegetables will not be able to self-pollinate, the flowers will wither, and the fruits will not be tied. Today I will tell you why this happens and how to avoid falling flowers.

Eggplant. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Eggplant. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Eggplant. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

Reasons for dropping flowers in eggplant

Most often this happens due to violation of the rules of agricultural technology. Vegetables are sensitive to watering, sunlight and so on. Among the main reasons I highlight:

  • Wrong watering. Stagnation of liquid is fraught with decay of the root system. High humidity can lead to disease and pest attacks. Due to the lack of moisture, the growth and development of plants will be inhibited. I water the eggplants regularly, 2 times a week. For one square meter of plantings, at least 12 liters of settled water at room temperature are required.
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  • Lack of pollination. This is the most common cause of flower wilt. Eggplant is a self-pollinating crop, in the open field pollen is carried by wind, in a greenhouse there is no wind, so you need to either pollinate the plants yourself, or shake them off regularly inflorescences. If I notice that too many empty flowers are forming on eggplants, then I pollinate the vegetables myself with a cotton swab. I carry pollen from one flower to another. You can also attract insects for this work. I place small bowls of sweet water near the doors and greenhouse windows.
  • Lack of sunlight leads not only to wilting of flowers, but also to premature leaf fall. Eggplants need direct sunlight. The optimal greenhouse for them is glass.
  • Mistakes in fertilizer application. These vegetables need the following set of nutrients for normal development: boron, nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium. During the flowering period, it is necessary to regularly feed the culture.
  • drafts are detrimental to eggplants. It is certainly necessary to ventilate the greenhouse, but it is better to open only one door or window, you can not create air circulation. In the wind, eggplants quickly stop in development, you can not wait for the harvest.
Falling flowers. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Falling flowers. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

Only strict observance of these rules allows me to harvest a bountiful harvest of these dark purple vegetables in the fall.


The spider mite most often infects greenhouse eggplants. It is impossible to completely exclude its occurrence. Spiders can overwinter in the topsoil or be carried by the wind. It's pretty easy to spot them. A kind of mosaic is formed on the sheets, and the reverse side is covered with a small, slightly sticky cobweb.

Spider mite on eggplant
Spider mite on eggplant

When this pest attacks, I carry out the treatment with fungicidal preparations: Fufanon or Fitoverm. The package contains detailed instructions for use.

Prevention of falling flowers

You can prevent this problem with a series of simple manipulations. I regularly change the top layer of soil in the greenhouse. In some cases, you can use special drugs that stimulate the formation of the ovary. I like “Bud”, “Ovary” and “Ivin” the most.

It is also necessary to carefully approach the choice of seeds. I prefer hybrid varieties that have good immunity and are not susceptible to most diseases. These are varieties such as Robin Hood, Bull's Heart F1, Purple Miracle F1. They are also able to grow in shady conditions.

Eggplant. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Eggplant. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

Regular removal of stepchildren contributes to a better formation of the ovary. I always carefully monitor the temperature in the greenhouse, try to avoid drafts, loosen the soil and regularly conduct a visual inspection of the plants.

Read also: Eggplants do not turn blue, but turn green. Main causes and features

Another related article: Gymnospermous pumpkin: description. My recommendations for growing and further care of the plant

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