Important things on the site in May

  • May 25, 2022

May agrotechnical work is, first of all, actions aimed at protecting young plants, planting them, transferring seedlings and forming a general view of the site. at the same time, preventive treatment is carried out from most pests and diseases. I will tell you about the most important events in May, which must be carried out without fail at your summer cottage.

Transplanting. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Transplanting. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Transplanting. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©


In the first decade of the month, most of the seedlings grown indoors are transferred to greenhouses. First, capricious and heat-loving crops are planted: peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants. Since at this time the probability of return frosts is still possible, young shoots are additionally insulated with arc shelters and a thick layer of organic mulch.

direct seeding

The beginning of May is great for direct sowing vegetables in open ground. If you did not have the opportunity to grow seedlings, now you can safely sow the necessary cultivated plants. I note that not all varieties involve such sowing, so it is important to first read the instructions for the seed.

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planting potatoes

May is the month in which the potato planting date falls. It doesn't really matter which variety you choose. Depending on the ripening time of root crops, only a specific week varies:

Planting potatoes. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Planting potatoes. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
  • early ripe - 5-15 number;
  • medium - 10-20 number;
  • late - 20-30 number.

The second important criterion is the temperature of the soil warming up, the constant indicators of the warmth of the soil, even at night, should not fall below 6 ° C.

In order not to delay the deadlines, I advise you to start preparing the seed in advance.

Top dressing of garlic

After May 15, the first stage of fertilizing winter garlic should be carried out if you attended to planting it the previous autumn. The nutrition of the vegetable during this period is extremely important, since it is now that the heads are being formed. For better growth and development, nutrient complex products with a high content of phosphorus and potassium should be added to the soil. I usually prepare a mineral-organic mixture according to the following recipe:

Garlic. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Garlic. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
  • 20 liters of water;
  • 500 ml of bird droppings;
  • 1 liter of rotted mullein;
  • 10 g superosphate.

All ingredients should be mixed in a bucket and the garlic beds should be treated with a ready-made solution.

Sowing carrots and heat-loving spices

The end of May is a great time for planting carrots and fragrant greens on the beds.

Late varieties can be used as carrot seed, they will just have time to ripen before the autumn cold. There is no need to hurry in this matter, I periodically sow carrot seeds until mid-June.

Sowing carrots. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©
Sowing carrots. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

You can also plant delicate spices in parallel: cumin, basil, thyme, tarragon. If there is a risk of a cold snap, then the finished beds should be covered with a film or a temporary greenhouse.

In addition to these actions, it is also worth paying attention to the final moments of cleaning up winter debris and shaping the appearance of the site.

What activities are you doing in May?

Read also: Planting and growing radishes in open ground. Tips and all the subtleties of care

Another related article: Anyuta tomato: characteristics and description of the variety, yield

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#garden#work in May#helpful tips