The manifestation of a shortage or excess of the main elements in plants

  • May 31, 2022

For the full development of plants, they need micro and macro elements. Some of them are contained in the soil, others must be applied regularly, replenishing the diet of green spaces with them. The most important of the elements are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Fertilizer for strawberries. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license
Fertilizer for strawberries. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license
Fertilizer for strawberries. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license


The basis of any living organism is protein molecules, and without nitrogen in a plant, they cannot be formed. This macronutrient is part of chlorophyll, without which the process of photosynthesis does not occur. It follows from this: both a lack and an excess of nitrogen affect the formation of the green part of plants.

What happens when there is a lack of nitrogen:

  • growth retardation;
  • leaves become small and faded;
  • plants bloom ahead of time, but give a poor harvest;
  • the lower leaf plates turn yellow and fall off.

What happens when there is an excess of nitrogen:

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  • fast growth;
  • large juicy large leaves;
  • the lower leaves darken and curl;
  • fruits do not have time to ripen.
The illustration for the article is used under the standard license
The illustration for the article is used under the standard license

To provide green plantings with nitrogen, I use ammonium nitrate, urea (carbamide), and manure.

I apply nitrogen fertilizers in the spring and early summer. In autumn, this element is not needed, since all the forces of the plantations should be directed not to the growth of green mass, but to the ripening of fruits.

I apply nitrogen fertilizers in the form of a solution or in dry form, but at the same time I always bury it in the ground so that the sun and air do not reduce the concentration of nitrogen.

I am adding nitrogen at the right rate. Excess can accumulate in the form of nitrates, which harms the body.


Without phosphorus, the root system does not develop well enough, the yield drops. Phosphorus is very important for the development of all types of crops. A change in the color of the leaves worries me: almost always this is evidence of a lack or excess of phosphorus.

What happens when there is a lack of phosphorus:

  • plants grow slowly;
  • leaves change color to bluish;
  • purple spots appear on the underside of the leaves;
  • leaves wither, curl and fall off;
  • petioles of leaf blades become purple.

What happens when there is an excess of phosphorus:

  • new leaves grow thinner;
  • the tops of the plant and the edges of the leaves burn out;
  • internodes are shortened;
  • productivity falls;
  • the lower leaves become mottled and curl up.
Tomatoes. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license
Tomatoes. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license

With a lack of phosphorus, I add superphosphate and phosphate rock to the soil. I do this before flowering.


The synthesis of vitamin C occurs with the indispensable participation of potassium. Cell sap accumulates sugar, so cell walls become thicker. Thanks to this, plants grow healthy.

During flowering, potassium is especially important for plants, since its lack affects the absence of ovaries, the fall of ovaries, and the shrinking of flowers.

What happens when there is a lack of potassium:

  • the plant refuses to bloom;
  • new leaves grow small and dark;
  • the tops and edges of the leaves become rusty;
  • the growth of stepchildren is at a progressive pace;
  • the lower leaves fade, become covered with chlorotic spots;
  • stems become weak, frail.
The illustration for the article is used under the standard license
The illustration for the article is used under the standard license

What happens when there is an excess of potassium:

  • new leaves grow thin;
  • the tops die off, the edges of the leaves become brown;
  • internodes are shortened;
  • the lower leaves turn brown, wrinkle, curl;
  • roots die off.

Potash fertilizers (potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium nitrate) I apply to the soil in the fall. They dissolve well in water.

Proper timely top dressing will give life and health to green spaces and a good harvest. At the first sign of a lack of any element, I bring in the appropriate nutrition.

And how do you determine what landings need?

Read also: Instructions for planting blueberries seedlings in spring in open ground

Another related article: Gymnospermous pumpkin: description. My recommendations for growing and further care of the plant

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#lack of fertilizer#garden#plants