What is the difference between double and single solid markings

  • Jun 09, 2022
What is the difference between double and single solid markings

Every motorist knows that it is forbidden to cross the continuous markings. He also knows that there are both double solid markings and single solid markings on the road. Practice comes with age, but theory, alas, is forgotten. It's time to remember what are the differences between the two markings, and what punishment will be applied to motorists for violating markings 1.1 and 1.3.

Markup 1.1 | Photo: Yandex. News.
Markup 1.1 | Photo: Yandex. News.
Markup 1.1 | Photo: Yandex. News.

In order to answer the question of how a single continuous horizontal marking (marking 1.1) differs from double solid horizontal markings (marking 1.3), just look again at the corresponding section SDA. It contains specific definitions for these two markups.

Markup 1.3 | Photo: Twitter.
Markup 1.3 | Photo: Twitter.


Markup 1.1 - this is a horizontal marking used to separate traffic flows in opposite directions, marking the boundaries of lanes on dangerous sections of the road, designation of the boundaries of the carriageway, beyond which it is forbidden, designation of parking spaces for vehicles funds.

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Markup 1.3 - is a horizontal marking used to separate traffic in the opposite direction on roads with four or more lanes for traffic in both directions. Also, 1.3 can separate traffic on roads with two and three lanes for traffic in both directions, provided that the lane width is 3.75 meters or more.

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Crossing both markings is severely punished. |Photo: mk.ru.
Crossing both markings is severely punished. |Photo: mk.ru.

As you can see from the definitions, markups 1.1 and 1.3 are very similar. At the same time, the first markup has a much larger set of functions on the road. The second markup duplicates the main functions of 1.1, but is used in cases where it is necessary ensure the maximum safety of the movement of drivers on potentially dangerous sections of the road with traffic in both directions. 1.3 is applied for reasons that such markings will be better visible on the road.

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Fine up to 5 thousand or deprivation of rights for six months. ¦Photo: stolicaonego.ru.
Fine up to 5 thousand or deprivation of rights for six months. ¦Photo: stolicaonego.ru.

As for the penalties, for crossing the markings 1.1 and 1.3 they do not differ. Departure into the oncoming lane, an attempt to maneuver through the markings, an attempt to detour or turn around is punishable in accordance with various parts of Articles 12.15 and 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Punishment - a fine of 1 to 5 thousand rubles or deprivation of a driver's license for up to 6 months.

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