Fertilizing tomatoes involves introducing both chemical and natural fertilizers. If time nurture this culture, we can hope for a generous harvest. The first feeding should be done after 2 weeks after transplanting. This applies to plants that are grown in the open field or in a greenhouse. In the future, fertilizers are applied to mid-July with a break of 14 days.
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How to feed iodine tomatoes
Iodine can accelerate the process of fruit ripening. If the plant is not experiencing a shortage of this element is likely to be able to save him from a dangerous disease - late blight. To energize the culture should be diluted in a bucket of water 1 4 drops hydroalcoholic solution of iodine. Acquire the drug can be in each drugstore. In one bush need 2 liters.
How to feed the tomatoes ash
To prepare the fertilizer on the basis of the ash you need to be diluted in a bucket 1 cup of the substance. Pour them beds with tomatoes. The ash, which precipitated out, do not throw - sprinkle it under the bushes.
The ash can be used for spraying the plants. Dissolve in 3 liters of water 300 g of material, put on fire container and boil for half an hour. Steep liquid is not less than 5 hours. Pour the composition into a bucket and fill it with water up to the top. Add the shredded soap. This tool will securely hold onto the leaves. Strain the liquid and process it tops.
How to fertilize the tomato yeast
The product can be used in fresh or dry form.
Gardeners prepare yeast feeding in two ways. Let us consider each of them in detail.
- Buy at the grocery store bakery bag of dry yeast. Pour them into the container, connect them with 50 g of sugar and a small amount of warm water. Dissolve the mixture in a bucket of water. On one bush it will take 0.5 liters of fluid.
- Place in three-liter jar, 300 g of black bread. Heat the water, dissolve it in 100 g of fresh yeast. Pour the resulting liquid bread. Insist 3-5 days. For straining infusion using cheesecloth.
Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10. If you are going to energize young bush tomatoes, you will need 0.5 liters of fluid for a mature plant is the amount of increase fourfold.
If there is no time to prepare infusions can be diluted in 10 liters of water 100 g of yeast and water solution of the bushes immediately after cooking. Yeast does not contain the elements needed by plants. yeast-based composition of stands growth stimulator.
How to fertilize the tomato chicken droppings
Chicken manure can be an effective substitute for complex fertilizers. The product contains two elements in the composition, in which tomatoes need. We are talking about the phosphorus and nitrogen.
Good results are obtained dressing fresh droppings, diluted in water. Fill a 10-liter bucket 1/3 chicken droppings and fill it completely with water. Do not store the capacity of the room. Insist about 7-10 days. Then pour off of buckets 0.5 l water, dilute with water and pour the aisle. Per 1 square. m. need 5-6 liters of the infusion. During the irrigation necessary to ensure that the fertilizer did not fall on the leaves. Observe these precautions, otherwise you will burn young plant tissue.
Tomatoes can be fed with dry chicken manure. Place the 0.5 kg of chicken waste product in a large container, fill it with 10 l of water and Wrap film. The duration of infusion 3-5 days. Note that you have to mix the liquid daily. Then dilute infusion with water (1:20) and pour each plant under less than 0,5 1 liter.
How to feed the tomatoes mullein
Use this fertilizer on a regular basis should not be. Gives way to other people's money. To prepare fertilizer, fill a bucket of manure half and fill it to the top with water. Cover the container lid, put in a warm place and leave for at least a week. Mix well and dilute the composition with water at a ratio of 1:10. At each plant it will take 0.5 to 1 liter of the composition.
How to feed the tomatoes nettles
For infusion you need to use very young nettle leaves. Raw materials rich in nitrogen, potassium and iron. The amount of ingredients depends on how much you have to fertilize shrubs. Take a container, fill it with nettles 2/3, cover with water and cover. Insist in a warm place for about 7-10 days. Once the composition begins to ferment, pour off and 1 liter of dilute it 10 liters of water. Make the root. On one bush leave 1-2 liters of the composition.
Do not overdo it with the dressing. Make it possible to a maximum of 2 times. Replace nettles can be any fresh young grass, such as dandelion or alfalfa.
What to feed seedlings of tomatoes, which grows poorly
the same natural fertilizers (chicken manure, ash) suitable for fertilizing seedlings. To prepare the feeding to mix manure with water in a ratio of 2: 1. Close the container with a lid and allow the mixture to brew for 2-3 days. Before you eat as you pour the liquid under the bushes, dilute it with water (1:10). It can be used as the first feeding seedlings, plant increases when the green mass.
Stimulate flowering and fruiting can be achieved by feeding wood ashes. Dissolve in 2 liters of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. facilities. Let sit for 24 hours. Before you pour the infusion of seedlings, strain it.
Tomatoes can also fertilize ash in the dry state. To do this means enough to pour in the grooves, in which will be planted seedlings. As the natural potassium fertilizer ideal banana skins.
Place in a 3 quart peel a few bananas, fill it with water and allow the liquid to infuse for 3 days. Strain the infusion and use for irrigation. A good dressing for seedlings considered eggshell. Grind it, pour 3L not cold water. Cover the container, infuse for 3 days. Once the infusion begins to thicken, and you will feel the stench, you can start watering.
Do not rush to feed the tomatoes chemicals, not harmless drugs. Try to make a life-feeding, you are guaranteed a rich harvest.
original article and many other materials can be found on our website.
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