Is it possible to combine coffee with milk without harm to the body

  • Jun 17, 2022
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Is it possible to combine coffee with milk without harm to the body

Cappuccino, latte, mocha - the combination of coffee with milk has become a classic. For example, the traditional breakfast of Italian children includes milk with a small amount of an invigorating drink. But more and more often you can find materials of varying degrees of expertise about the pros and cons of such a combination. Is it really all that bad and scary?

“Start your morning with an invigorating coffee!” they offer us from TV screens and billboards. Despite the fact that tea has more caffeine than coffee itself, its effect is significantly different. The caffeine in tea is more subtle. And after a cup of coffee, a surge of energy will not take long. According to statistics, most people add milk to coffee because it softens the strong bitter taste. Some people use milk because fear high blood pressure after drinking americano. Milk reduces the activity of caffeine! On average, a person drinks 1-2 cups of coffee a day. The figure is not critical, but there is something to think about.

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The daily rate of coffee is selected individually. Photo:
The daily rate of coffee is selected individually. / Photo:
The daily rate of coffee is selected individually. / Photo:

Coffee with milk is insidious because it is addictive! Therefore, if you decide to use it every day, then experts advise to alternate drinks: black coffee on weekdays, a cup of coffee with milk on weekends.

Coffee and milk are healthy products, but each on their own! Milk, if a person does not have an allergy, is a source of calcium. Coffee speeds up the metabolism in a healthy person. It contains complex organic substances that give coffee that very bitterness (tannins). They are used as anti-inflammatory and antidiarrheal agents. It is these substances that prevent the protein from milk from being absorbed by the body. Instead, the mixture of milk and coffee can stay in the stomach for a long time, which can lead to serious problems.

Coffee has a number of contraindications: diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys
Coffee has a number of contraindications: diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys

Nutritionists say that excessive consumption of latte can lead to stomach cancer! But don't panic! After all, we know that moderation is important in everything. Green tea is similar in its set of useful properties to coffee, but not as controversial for health. If you are an avid coffee lover and are not going to give up an invigorating drink, then try to limit yourself to 1-2 cups a day.

What do we know about the health benefits of coffee?

The lethal dose of coffee is 150 mg per 1 kg of human body weight.
The lethal dose of coffee is 150 mg per 1 kg of human body weight.

1. It is dangerous for people with low blood pressure to take medication to increase it, so they often try to do this with coffee.
Coffee with milk will cope with this task worse than simple, because. milk will prevent caffeine from "expanding blood vessels".

2. Caffeine leaches calcium from the body. If you add milk to the drink, it will replenish calcium reserves.
The average person does not drink enough coffee to flush out calcium from the body. But if this still happens, then milk will only slightly replenish calcium reserves, but magnesium and potassium reserves will still partially leave the body along with coffee. Their norm will have to be replenished with food and medicines, if necessary, after consulting a doctor..

The country and conditions of origin, variety, degree of roasting and grinding, brewing method affect the taste of coffee. / Photo:
The country and conditions of origin, variety, degree of roasting and grinding, brewing method affect the taste of coffee. / Photo:

3. Decaffeinated coffee + milk = benefits for hypertensive patients
A caffeine-free drink is not so harmless. Dichloromethane saves not only grains from caffeine, but also adversely affects the entire human body (especially the respiratory system).

4.Contains minerals and antioxidants that slow down the aging process.
2 cups of coffee contains the daily requirement of antioxidants. It is believed that coffee drinkers with milk have less hair loss.

5. Natural ground coffee stimulates the activity of the nervous system, increases brain activity.
Caffeine speeds up the work of the heart, increases the speed of blood circulation. The higher the blood pressure, the more active the brain works.

6. The choice in favor of natural coffee reduces the risk of certain diseases (oncology, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's).

7. In the cold season, the drink warms perfectly. This is especially true when this time takes half a year.

Cinnamon and nutmeg can be added to coffee with milk. / Photo:
Cinnamon and nutmeg can be added to coffee with milk. / Photo:

IMPORTANT: coffee with milk can only be drunk after a meal, and not on an empty stomach! Its temperature should be 65-70 degrees.

Harm of coffee with milk

We do not want to demonize the drink, we just ask you to take into account some nuances:

1. Milk can provoke an allergy to cow's milk protein and cause diarrhea in some people with lactose intolerance.

2. Due to the “lightness” of the drink, coffee lovers increase the number of cups they drink per day, which can lead to insomnia, hyperexcitability, and stress. As you know, it is he who is the culprit of many diseases.

3. You can not coffee (even with milk) during pregnancy, in the presence of hypertension, ischemia, kidney problems, obesity, osteoporosis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation, etc.

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Now much attention is paid to studying the issue of coffee consumption by children. / Photo:
Now much attention is paid to studying the issue of coffee consumption by children. / Photo:

4. Abuse of coffee cocktails can lead to constant constipation, digestive problems and blockage of blood vessels (we are talking about daily consumption of more than 4 cups per day).

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So should you drink coffee with milk?

Do not overheat vegetable milk! / Photo:
Do not overheat vegetable milk! / Photo:

If you have no contraindications, then you can drink warm coffee with milk 1-2 times a day (for each person, the rate is determined individually). The choice of coffee depends on your taste preferences: instant or ground. Milk for your favorite drinks should be used with a good shelf life, preferably UHT. Milk of animal origin can be replaced with vegetable milk (almond, coconut, hazelnut oatmeal).

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