Many say that fuel briquettes are much better and more convenient than firewood. Specially sank one and the other

  • Jun 30, 2022
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I have always believed that birch firewood is the ideal option for firing a stove. I regularly bought firewood and thought that it should be so.

But once I had to delve into this topic. On the Internet, I came across an article that compared the benefits of briquettes and ordinary firewood.
Many say that fuel briquettes are much better and more convenient than firewood. I specially sunk one and the other - the conclusions are not unambiguous

Then I decided on my own experience to check which type of fuel is better? I confess that I did not manage to come to an unambiguous conclusion. Judge for yourself.

Comparative characteristics of firewood and fuel briquettes

If we take into account weight and volume, then briquettes win in terms of density. It turns out that they burn longer. This is true, I personally checked!

But there are a couple of nuances that you should pay attention to:

  • 1. heat transfer level. Unfortunately, accurately measuring it is a difficult task, there are bound to be errors. According to this criterion, I could not conduct a comparative analysis.
  • 2. Manufacturing firm. On sale there are various types of briquettes. I used birch sawdust fuel. But I have doubts that they did not add something else.
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  • 3. The final measurement result is affected dryness of the fuel. When it is damp, it burns longer, but it gives off almost no heat. The humidity criterion is affected by the storage conditions. Even if you store the fuel correctly, it is not a fact that they also did it at the factory and in the store.

So it turns out that I could not decide: I liked the fuel briquettes or not. I'm already used to firewood!

There is no doubt about the composition of firewood. I know exactly how I prepared them, in what conditions I stored them. And therefore it is clear how they will burn and how much heat they give off.

For the most truthful results, large-scale tests are needed. I just warmed myself with firewood for a day, and the second day with briquettes.

I think if I used firewood alone for a year, and then only briquettes for a year, conclusions could be drawn. In this case, it is necessary to regularly measure the temperature, calculate the consumption, invested money, etc.

To be honest, I don't have time to do this. Yes, and just lazy. If you have free time, you can conduct global research and then unsubscribe in the comments who won: firewood or briquettes!

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