How to make your own hands to coil garden hose from an old plastic bucket

  • Dec 24, 2019
How to make a hose reel.
How to make a hose reel.

It is very bad when a garden hose is stored improperly. If you break the rules of operation of this useful article, then very quickly it will become worthless. To avoid this, you need to host on the site suitable protective coil. If desired, you can do it with his own hands from the usual plastic buckets.

What is needed: Plastic bucket (preferably from beneath water emulsions), a piece of plywood (small), a furniture handle, screws, steel balls.

Recommended tools: Electric drill, jigsaw, tape, a marker, a screwdriver.

We start with the measurements. / Photo:
We start with the measurements. / Photo:

So, the main thing to understand at once, is the fact that the more our bucket, the more capacious will hose reel. First measures the dimensions, namely the largest and smallest diameters, as well as the height of the bucket. All of this is passed on to the surface of our plywood and armed with a jigsaw cut out circles by size. They should get the two - the smallest and the largest.

Cut parts. / Photo:
Cut parts. / Photo:
instagram viewer

Plywood smallest circle should be free to lie on the bottom of the bucket, while the largest plywood circle will cover the coil. After stacking the first round must be installed in its center a wooden beam, mark it with the veneer thickness, and then cut to size. When this is done it is to drill the bottom of the inside perimeter of the loop and make holes for the fixing screws bar.

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Cooking the central beam. / Photo: Advertising
Cooking the central beam. / Photo: Advertising

Install ready to beam exactly in the center, and fix on the screws and glue (if any). To the outside circle of plywood fastened to the handle screws. After that mark up on the bucket rectangle and cut out the hole with using a jigsaw. With the help of a pen drill to make holes in the plywood circle closer to the center. To facilitate the work of the coil is taken out of it all the stuffing and throw a bucket on the bottom 8-10 metal balls.

Making the cut. / Photo:
Making the cut. / Photo:

All that now remains to be done - to put the spool and reel hose.

We collect and prepare. / Photo:
We collect and prepare. / Photo:

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