How to return the primary whiteness to a plastic window sill like from a store

  • Jul 08, 2022
How to return the primary whiteness to a plastic window sill like from a store

Hands up, who doesn't have white window sills in their house today? Even in Soviet times, in the vast majority of cases, wooden, and never plastic window sills were painted white. The problem with any such window sill, of course, is that sooner or later it becomes off-white.

We put laundry soap on a grater. Photo:
We put laundry soap on a grater. /Photo:
We put laundry soap on a grater. /Photo:

What you need: laundry soap, toothpaste, water, plastic container, sushi stick, sponge

First you have to prepare the cleaning composition. To do this, take a kitchen grater and use it to grind a certain amount of laundry soap. You need to grate about one or two tablespoons of soap "sawdust". They are placed in a plastic container, after which they are filled with water. The mixture is thoroughly mixed with a wooden stick. The result is an impromptu liquid soap.

You will need toothpaste. /Photo:
You will need toothpaste. /Photo:

The liquid is carefully applied to the windowsill, after which another 1-2 tablespoons of toothpaste is added to it. Next is a sponge for washing dishes. With its help, soap and paste are rubbed on the surface of the window sill with careful but strong movements. After that, the applied substance is left alone for about 10-15 minutes.

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Take a sponge. / Photo:
Take a sponge. / Photo:

When the stated deadline is up, you should return to the window sill with a sponge again and carefully work out the dirtiest places on the white surface with its hard side. Once this is done, the easiest thing left is to take a suitable rag and wipe off the soap and paste from the surface. If everything was done correctly, then the result promises to be amazing.

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It will be like new. /Photo:
It will be like new. /Photo:

In continuation of the topic, read about tricky way, which will allow you not to pump out the drain pit for years.