4 typical mistakes that many owners make when insulating their home

  • Jul 29, 2022
4 typical mistakes that many owners make when insulating their home

In native latitudes, a house without insulation is not a house or even a barn. There is no need to remind people who know what the domestic off-season and winter are. However, when it comes to insulating a room during renovation or construction, citizens make the same mistakes over and over again. What should be remembered to keep the room warm both during the day and in summer?

1. Heater in "vacuum"

Warming your home is no easy task. |Photo: eco-kotly.ru.
Warming your home is no easy task. |Photo: eco-kotly.ru.
Warming your home is no easy task. |Photo: eco-kotly.ru.

Many citizens believe that the more insulation, the better. And most importantly, these same comrades are often convinced that the insulation itself is able to guarantee the protection of the house from the cold. Unfortunately, such a train of thought is a rather harmful delusion. No insulation will save the building in the winter if there is no internal heat source in it. And in this case we are talking about those situations when the house is left for the winter without tenants. Remember: only periodic heating in the presence of high-quality insulation will save the house.

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2. Insulation inside the house

It is better to insulate outside. |Photo: epicentr.by.
It is better to insulate outside. |Photo: epicentr.by.

There are different schemes for insulating a house, and almost all of them imply that the insulation will be attached from the outside. If you install insulation inside the building, then this, in turn, is fraught with a whole beech of unpleasant consequences: freezing of walls, increased humidity, the appearance of dampness, mold and bad smell inside housing. In the end, installing insulation inside will only lead to its damage.

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3. Uneven insulation

Warming should be uniform. |Photo: pulscen.by.
Warming should be uniform. |Photo: pulscen.by.

It would seem that the right decision lies literally on the surface and is easily amenable to intuitive understanding even without the presence of specialized education and special knowledge. However, as practice shows, some citizens for some reason forget that the entire building must be insulated evenly with high quality. Otherwise, there will be no sense at all from such wall insulation.

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4. Foundation insulation

The entire foundation must be insulated. ¦Photo: ar-torg.com.
The entire foundation must be insulated. ¦Photo: ar-torg.com.

When it comes to insulating the foundation, many citizens make another major mistake. The thing is that not only the foundation at the base should be insulated, but also the entire lower level of soil freezing. Otherwise, the soil runs the risk of being deformed as a result of exposure to cold, which is by no means uncommon in the conditions of winters in the middle zone.

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