We impart competently one apple tree a few varieties

  • Dec 24, 2019

When each tree more than one grade, it looks attractive, moreover - practical. Jablonka, which on the one hand zholtenkie apples, on the other - reds, with the third - green - just a dream!

Grafting apple trees. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Grafting apple trees. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Let's understand the vaccination!

Most importantly, the apples were pleasant to the taste! Please observe the following rule: spend vaccinations before sap flow begins with using freshly cut cuttings (they should be no more than seven days from the moment of their cut). At one tree are vaccinated autumn and summer varieties, on the second - winter and autumn.

In our area we recommend to carry out vaccinations approximately from mid-March to mid-April. If you do pruning, grafting spend immediately. If a bit "late" due to extreme weather events, it is possible to be vaccinated since the beginning of sap flow. Juice fast will go to the vaccinated, accustomed all successfully.

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The process of grafting apple. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
The process of grafting apple. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

instill apple

Two apple tree would be enough for one family. Many dried apples to winter time, cook compotes, eat well, and during the summer fresh.

Vaccinations recommended for fresh cuttings performed immediately before the start of sap flow, taking into account the weather conditions of your area. Trim competently and rootstock and scion cambium must match.

First, cut off a twig on the stock, leaving a stump at least eleven or twelve centimeters, cut out of the timber using a special wedge knife. Then take the branch selected varieties, leave 3 buds, cut the top of a ninety-degree angle and seal the garden pitch. Cut the bottom of the wedge, the size of which correspond to the notch in the rootstock. Attach the thread so that the cambium layers coincide, and press gently, without moving, strapped in using electrical tape.

Grafted apple tree. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Grafted apple tree. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

The cut on the tree properly seal the garden pitch, grab a branch to keep out any infection, leave until next spring, when the branch will grow longer. Izoletnu can be removed in the next spring season.

Let you all well formed! Be sure, you will certainly rejoice in mint varieties!

Some manage to achieve amazing results when 1 apple tree varieties as many as eight!

If the season turned out to be fruitful, so with two apple trees, sometimes, you do not have time to find the application of all the fruit, sometimes you have to throw out. And the varieties always want to try different. So use the method of vaccination and be content with new varieties!

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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