How to quickly sharpen razor blades so as not to run to the store for new ones

  • Aug 13, 2022
How to quickly sharpen razor blades so as not to run to the store for new ones

Each person sooner or later finds himself in a situation where a razor is needed right now, but that's bad luck - its blades are already dull and there is nothing to replace them with. What to do if there is not a single opportunity to run to the store? Few people know, but even a dull razor can get a “second wind” by sharpening its blades for at least one more use. You can do this in one of two ways.

The razor can be renewed. |Photo:
The razor can be renewed. |Photo:
The razor can be renewed. |Photo:

It is worth mentioning right away that it will not work to constantly “renew” the razor. Sooner or later, his blades will become so dull that no artisanal sharpening will help. Moreover, most likely this will happen “early”, that is, after the first attempt. Nevertheless, saving the razor for another 1-2 times is quite realistic. You can do this in one of two ways. Each of them will require only what is already in every home.

Method one: use foil

You can sharpen your razor on foil. |Photo: YouTube.
You can sharpen your razor on foil. |Photo: YouTube.
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To implement the first method, we need any foil, as well as some cylindrical object. For example, a plump pipe or an air freshener bottle. The sheet of foil should be such that it can wrap our cylinder. When this is done, hold the foil with one hand, and take the razor with the other and begin to drive its blades over the shiny material. After 100-175 strokes, the blades will return sharp enough to shave off hair. With proper skill, the razor is sharpened in 3-5 minutes. The movements should not be on yourself (as if you are shaving), but away from you.

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Method two: use jeans

You can sharpen on jeans. |Photo:
You can sharpen on jeans. |Photo:

Of course, you don’t need to use pants for sharpening, so as not to spoil... it’s better to look for a small piece of denim. The latter is placed on some flat surface and held with two fingers. In the second hand, we take a razor and begin to sharpen it on the fabric with movements away from us. After 20, some of the sharpness of the blades will return. However, it is better to do 75-150 movements. The razor is sharpened in this way in about 5 minutes.

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One more time is enough. ¦Photo:
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In continuation of the topic, read about is there any difference between male and women's razors.