How was the first meeting of Soviet pilots with German jet fighters

  • Aug 19, 2022
How was the first meeting of Soviet pilots with German jet fighters

The first combat turbojet aircraft was created at the end of World War II in the Third Reich. Fortunately for everyone, a high-tech novelty appeared at a time when nothing could save Nazi Germany from defeat. Jet Messerschmitt Me.262 Sturmvogel and Me.163 Komet were used mainly on the second front. However, towards the end of the war, the Petrels also ended up in the eastern direction.

The Germans were the first. |Photo: Pinterest.
The Germans were the first. |Photo: Pinterest.
The Germans were the first. |Photo: Pinterest.

The first German jet fighter was shot down by the famous ace pilot Ivan Kozhedub on February 19, 1945. The Nazi car was intercepted at an altitude of 3,500 meters near Frankfurt. The pilots Kozhedub and Titarenko went to intercept and, approaching a distance of 500 meters, tried to shoot down the Luftwaffe plane. The German plane at first began to break away from the pursuers, and then suddenly went to a U-turn. Then the Soviet pilots were able to get close to the enemy again and open fire to kill. After the first turn, Kozhedub saw the German miracle weapon shatter into pieces.

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The first Petrel was shot down by Kozhedub. |Photo:
The first Petrel was shot down by Kozhedub. |Photo:

After this incident, a conference of Soviet pilots was held, at which tactics were discussed against a new type of enemy aircraft. Soviet officers came to the conclusion that the best way to destroy a turbojet was to make a frontal attack. The experience of subsequent collisions with the Petrels showed that these machines are most vulnerable during climb or maneuver. Since the Messerschmitt Me.262 Sturmvogel had an absolute superiority in speed, Soviet pilots were recommended to make sharp turns 500-600 meters from the target, that the Burevestnik banally jumped forward, after which the motor plane turned out to be on it tail.

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Terrible fuel consumption. |Photo:
Terrible fuel consumption. |Photo:

Although the precedents of a collision between Soviet aviation and German jet aircraft were rare, and there was very little left before the war, the Red Army managed to gain unprecedented experience in these first battles, which was used in the USSR later in the development of its own jet aviation. Besides, there is no need to think that the Petrels were prey. In practice, only the most experienced pilot of a motorized aircraft could emerge victorious from the battle with the next generation aircraft. The Soviet command, if possible, recommended that the pilots not engage in battle with the German novelties until the last, taking them as far as possible from the airfields. Thus, the Air Force leadership tried to save the pilots using the main drawback of the early turbojet machines - the monstrous fuel consumption. Fly "Petrel" could only 8-25 minutes.

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The best tactic is to stay away. ¦Photo:
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