Can a cat beat a crow in a fight if they are about the same size

  • Aug 21, 2022
Can a cat beat a crow in a fight if they are about the same size

About how, when and why people domesticated a cat, disputes in the scientific community continue to this day. Unlike the dog, the behavior of the cat has hardly changed compared to its ancient ancestor. The animal to this day demonstrates (relative to the dog) a weak attachment to a person, a high degree of independence, and the habits of a lone predator are also often manifested. Often the latter push the cat to hunt birds... But she has a chance against something big. For example, crows?

Crows are very smart. |Photo:
Crows are very smart. |Photo:
Crows are very smart. |Photo:

Corvids are a widespread family of birds, whose representatives live almost all over the world with the exception of southern South America and Greenland. The brightest representatives of corvids are black and gray crows, which we so often meet in cities and villages. Crows are amazing creatures. Today, scientists are almost completely convinced that they have very high intelligence, comparable to that of higher primates. Who knows, maybe when individual higher primates do destroy themselves in a nuclear war, it will be the crows that will inherit this planet.

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And crows are terribly arrogant. |Photo:
And crows are terribly arrogant. |Photo:

Very often crows are arrogant, aggressive and assertive. Together with non-chicken brains and a powerful beak, all this makes them dangerous rivals. The crow will desperately defend not only itself, but also its nest. Moreover, crows can act proactively if they consider that they are in danger. Often, even creatures that are an order of magnitude larger, for example, dogs, become victims of crow aggression! But the most important feature of crows is that they are (unexpectedly) social. At first, you can’t say that about this bird. However, if one of the crows gets into trouble and there are relatives next to it, then they will immediately rush to help the unfortunate.

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Even the gray crow is not a prey, it is a fighter and a hunter. |Photo:
Even the gray crow is not a prey, it is a fighter and a hunter. |Photo:

The cat is not afraid to attack crows and ravens. Although it does not always do this, since even ravens are often larger than a cat or comparable in size to it. However, in most cases, felines attack these birds not for food, but because of the “hunter instinct”. We can say that the cat is just playing. Of course, the bird is not able to appreciate such “jokes”, and therefore strives to enter into a desperate fight in the event of aggression. In the end, the fluffies have not so many chances to get out of the fight as a winner with a non-tucked beak. Therefore, most often felines try to avoid crows.

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Purposefully cats do not hunt crows. ¦Photo:
Purposefully cats do not hunt crows. ¦Photo:

In continuation of the topic, read about what they are fearless aggressors: what miniature dog breeds were actually bred for.