Succinic acid is excellent stimulates crop growth

  • Dec 24, 2019

Dissolve 1 g of the drug for six liters of water, pour and carry out all home spraying crops. And days after seven or eight you can be pleasantly surprised.

Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

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Marantaceae acquire fresh leaves and shoots. Have to taste like additional forage and Begonia: the plant will be able to put several strong lateral shoots, flowering plant is better. Pandanus and Aglaonema start up brand new leaves. Excellent growth leaves give cuttings mandarins, oleanders, fig trees and other crops.

Use additional forage succinic acid cacti and succulents. The rapid growth and development are guaranteed after only thirty days after treatment!

Will like and such additional forage Opuntia (let fresh lateral segments), and African portulakarii and Decembrist and agave. Foliage at Jade also will grow better.

But do not add succinic acid cacti and succulents repeatedly, the opposite effect can begin. Use fertilizer once or make no more than once every two years.
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