Tricky "grandmother's" advice that will allow you to forget about dusting for a long time

  • Aug 22, 2022
Tricky " grandmother's" advice that will allow you to forget about dusting for a long time

Dust is one of those things that you can never get rid of completely. Because dust is literally everywhere. She rushes into the room with shoes. She flies into the house through the open window. Under such conditions, one gets the impression that nothing else can be done here, except for regular cleaning. However, in reality this is not the case. A proven "people's" advice will help make life easier.

First you need to wipe off the dust. |Photo:
First you need to wipe off the dust. |Photo:
First you need to wipe off the dust. |Photo:

Why do anything else when you can just take a rag and wipe off the dust? Sounds simple. However, when cleaning has to be done at least once a week, dusting becomes very burdensome. So why not make your life easier? Moreover, the described tool will require the cost of a penny, and it will take no more time than traditional dust cleaning.

You can remove it in any way. |Photo:
You can remove it in any way. |Photo:

So, for work, we need a couple of clean rags, preferably cotton napkins, as well as fabric softener. The first step is to dry clean. Everywhere dust must be carefully removed. If dry cleaning is no longer enough and the layer of accumulated dust is significant, then we do wet cleaning. However, after that, it is recommended to wait until all surfaces are dry.

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We rub the air conditioner into the furniture. |Photo:
We rub the air conditioner into the furniture. |Photo:

When there is no small dirty trick, we take a second clean rag or napkin, pour a small amount of air conditioner on it for linen, and then carefully rub it into all those surfaces on which we don’t want to see any in the near future motes. First of all, you should pay attention to various hard-to-reach places that collect a lot of dust, such as baseboards and upper shelves. Why does this method work? It's all about the antistatic properties of the air conditioner. It is thanks to them that this tool repels falling dust particles from the surface.

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