Sweet liquorice pastilles became popular in England in the XVI century. These soft fragrant cake padlock Pontekraft in Yorkshire made from licorice root, gum arabic and sugar. Along with other popular sweetness, multicolored liquorice candy, nail hexadecimal lozenges and today are the British great love. Historians claim that a big fan of licorice lozenge was Napoleon himself.
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Other names:
- licorice
Used parts:
- roots
- rhizome
Beneficial features
- licorice
Used parts:
- roots
- rhizome
The roots and rhizomes of licorice, licorice root is often called - is one of the most studied phytotherapeutic agents; scientists have confirmed many of the medicinal properties of this plant, due to which people began to use it to treat even in ancient times. With soothing and expectorant action, licorice root part of the many herbal to treat coughs, bronchitis and pulmonary diseases.
The effectiveness of licorice root for stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers and inflammation digestive tract associated with glycyrrhizin -Substance, giving her licorice contained therein characteristic taste. Glycyrrhizin exerts a tonic effect on the adrenal cortex, thereby licorice prescribed for stress and exhaustion.
Before taking licorice drugs, consult your doctor. During pregnancy or breast-feeding should not take them.
Elegant perennial with short stiff shoots up to 1 m, carrying green pinnate leaves and short vertical stalks of white or bluish-purple flowers. Licorice grows via rhizomes, from which thick deep roots depart. Homeland licorice - Mediterranean and Middle East; Turkey, Spain and Greece, and to this day are the main global suppliers of this valuable plant.
There are three major botanical forms of licorice: Spanish, or Italian, licorice (G. glabravar. glabra), Russian liquorice (G. glabra var. glandulifera) and licorice violet (G. glabra var. violacea). In Asia, growing two other kinds of licorice -Chinese or Ural (G. uralensis), and Manchurian (G. pallidiflora).
Licorice prefers deep, nutrient, sandy soil and a sunny location.
Spring or autumn sowing seeds or rhizomes dividing spring.
Beauty of nature
Licorice - time-tested means of combating pigment spots. For their whitening is best combined with licorice-skinned fruits (eg citrus) rich in vitamin C, and alpha-hydroxy acids, which promote exfoliation of dead skin.
In China, shredded licorice root is added to spicy herbal blends to improve their taste. It is placed in the rice and meat main courses. Fowl, cooked with liquorice, it gets refined aroma and becomes slightly sweetish.
original article and many other materials can be found on our website.
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