A simple test, which will determine the tendency to "Alzheimer's"

  • Dec 24, 2019

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 The test, which will determine the risk of "Alzheimer
The test, which will determine the risk of "Alzheimer's".

There is a simple truth that many point blank refuse to accept: how to remain in service long as possible, you need to start listening to your body as soon as possible. Forewarned is forearmed. For this reason, scientists around the world create more and more diagnostic tests. They help determine predisposition to serious changes in the body in the early stages. And today, in front of you - a test for the risk of "Alzheimer's".

Alzheimer's disease: forewarned is forearmed.
Alzheimer's disease: forewarned is forearmed.

Alzheimer's disease is insidious in that creeps up unnoticed. It starts with small symptoms that often go unnoticed by anyone. But after 65 mercilessly attacking mindset and body. For all the latest achievements of medicine, advanced therapies only alleviate the symptoms but do not allow to stop or slow down the progress of the disease. And because the most important thing you can do - a tendency to diagnose Alzheimer's disease as early as possible. Especially for this University of Louisville researchers have invented a simple test that can pass each.

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Scientists found that people with a genetic predisposition to Alzheimer's disease have difficulty in finding small differences between objects.
Scientists found that people with a genetic predisposition to Alzheimer's disease have difficulty in finding small differences between objects.

The essence of the diagnostic test is a scientific hypothesis: people are predisposed to asthma disease, can not find small differences in similar but not quite identical objects. To check the look closely at the photo below in front of you four cute character called "Griblz» (Greebles). You can understand which of the "gribble" once? And why?

Which figure superfluous?

Which figure superfluous?


"Excess" - figure №4. Its "horns" and "feet" are just a little different form.

Do not panic. But it is better to consult a doctor.
Do not panic. But it is better to consult a doctor.

If you did not find differences - it's not a reason to panic. But it is better to make an appointment with a therapist. And be sure to start the stick 11 simple tips to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle even very busy people.

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