Yellow leaves of tomatoes in a greenhouse and open field: what to do?

  • Dec 24, 2019

Tomatoes are considered capricious culture. If you have just started to grow them, you may be faced with such a problem as yellowing and dry leaves. What contributes to the appearance of yellow stains? What means are used for the treatment of hives? All this you can learn from our publication.

Yellow leaves of tomato. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Yellow leaves of tomato. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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 Why do leaves turn yellow tomatoes in the greenhouse and the greenhouse

Yellowing of the lower leaves of tomatoes can trigger a variety of factors:

  • Untimely or excessive watering. soil moisture is necessary to pay special attention. Moderate watering and regular hoeing will help to restore the plant dries.
  • Disease. Yellowing of the leaves of tomatoes is one of the signs of fusarium wilt. This phenomenon can also be indicative of other diseases. If you recognize the disease in a timely manner, and proceed to the treatment spraying, your landing will be saved.
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  • Deficiency of trace elements and minerals. If the leaves turn yellow, it is possible that tomatoes are short of feeding. During ripening, it is necessary to make complex nitrogen fertilizers.

It is also possible spraying tomatoes with folk remedies. With best party manifests itself solution leaves and roots comfrey pharmacy. To prepare it, you need to pour 1 kg of raw material of 10 liters of water and let the liquid for at least 4-5 days. Ready dilute the concentrate with water in a ratio of 1: 3. The composition can be used for watering bushes, and for their spraying. 2-3 meters landings require 1 bucket of liquid.

  • Damage to the root system. Damage the roots can be pests. They can also injure the time of transplant or soil loosening. If the reason is a mechanical failure, yellowing may indicate that the plant spends all the forces on the formation of new adventitious roots. Once the root system will be restored, the leaves regain their former healthy color. When the roots are gnawed pests, you need to immediately take up the extermination of the "uninvited guests".
  • Too high level of humidity in the greenhouse. The optimal rate for tomatoes humidity is 60-70%. If it exceeds the permissible limits, the leaves may turn yellow and rot.
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

Which is why leaves turn yellow tomatoes in open field

The causes of the yellowing leaves of tomatoes grown in the open ground, as a rule, are the same as those that grow in the greenhouse. However, some details still worth considering.

  • Low temperature. Greenhouse tomatoes did not have to deal with this problem. For those that are grown in the open field, they can be supercooled, it will provoke a yellowing of the leaves.
  • Defeat diseases and pests. The color change may be due to Fusarium and other diseases. Sometimes the problem is caused by the invasion of pests that damage the roots of the plant.
  • Insufficient irrigation. If the summer was hot and dry and the tomato time is not irrigated, their leaves may begin to turn yellow.
  • Oversupply of moisture. Abuse watering may also entail the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves.
  • Lack of trace elements and minerals in the soil. Nutrient deficiency, particularly potassium, can also result in yellowing plant. The leaves turned green again, you need to make a complex fertilizer.
  • damage to roots. If, during the transplantation of seedlings when weeding or hoeing or you injure the roots, the leaves may change color. After the restoration of the root system, they will turn green.

Why turn yellow and dry leaves of tomato seedlings

If the yellow seedlings, most likely, it is contained in unacceptable conditions.

  • Capacity of insufficient size. In cramped conditions the root system of seedlings deprived of the opportunity to fully develop. In this case, the leaves may turn yellow.
  • Excess or irregular watering. To prevent drying and decay of seedlings, provide her proper watering regime.
  • Hypothermia. Keep the temperature in the area 18-22 ° C.
  • Deficiency of nitrogen. To fully developed seedlings, the soil in which it is planted, should not be deprived of nitrogen. If you comply with all the conditions of cultivation, but the leaves of the seedlings continue to turn yellow, it is possible that they need nitrogen fertilization.
  • insufficient lighting. If the plant lacks sunlight, photosynthesis slows down, and the green leaves change to yellow.
  • Too acidic soil. For the cultivation of seedlings it is recommended initially to use a properly sized ground. If after the seeding revealed that the soil is sour, you can make it a small amount of ash.
Seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Why do leaves turn yellow in tomatoes after landing

Tomato leaves may begin to yellow after planting. It can be triggered by different factors:

  • wrong watering. If you use for irrigation is too much water, or, conversely, not often carry out this procedure, it is fraught with the appearance of yellow spots on the leaf.
  • Damage to the root system. If it is not functioning as it should, it will be one of the causes of yellowing leaves. Can damage the roots when transplanting seedlings, either during loosening or weeding. This problem will be resolved without outside interference - the root system will recover on their own.
  • Defeat disease or pests. If tomatoes are attacking pests or plant started to hurt, you need to immediately begin to fight with them.
  • Hypothermia. If after you have planted the seedlings into the soil, the temperature plummeted, it will lead to the leaves yellowing and wilting. Such a phenomenon can be prevented in cold weather to ensure planting a protective cover.

What to do if tomato yellow upper leaves

If you notice that the yellow upper leaves of tomato, but the bottom does not change its color, most likely, the reason lies in the lack of certain substances.

  • Calcium. When the plant is experiencing a shortage of calcium, upper leaves begin to turn yellow, their ends are deformed, on top of the fruit appear dark spots. If before you plant to plant, you have made the soil lime, it is possible that you overdo with nitrogen fertilizers, which prevent the full absorption of calcium. To remedy the situation processing can be performed bushes calcium nitrate (20 g per 1 bucket of water).
  • Sulfur. Deficiency of sulfur can cause lignification and thinning of the stems, veins redness and yellowing of leaves. Can improve the bush by spraying a solution of magnesium sulfate (10 g in 10 liters water).
  • Iron. The fact that tomatoes need iron, according to yellow spots in the center and leaves along the midrib. Save the plant will process 1% solution of ferrous sulfate or iron chelate. These funds can also be used for root feeding. After one day, the plant will regain a healthy appearance.
  • Manganese. Signs of a lack of this element are similar to those observed when the iron is too low. The difference lies in the fact that the veins are yellow-green. To solve this problem should conduct foliar feeding with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Boron. If the plants do not have enough of this element, the upper leaves remain green, not deformed at the base. If time does not feed the tomatoes, the leaves begin to turn yellow, and the veins become dark brown. This can be prevented by treating a solution of boric acid (10 g substance per 1 bucket of water).
Yellowing of the upper leaves - a sign of deficiency elements. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Yellowing of the upper leaves - a sign of deficiency elements. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

What to do if tomato yellow lower leaves

Yellowing of the lower leaves are not so dangerous than a change of color of the upper, because it is not always a sign of disease. As a rule, the plant discards the old leaves to spend all their energies on the development of the fruit.

Tomatoes to feel good, follow the basic rules of caring for them:

  • Provide them a moderate, but regular watering.
  • Make sure the plant is not to supercool.
  • Time fertilize the culture of complex fertilizers.
  • If signs of disease or pests, immediately engage in combat with them.
  • Compensate for the lack of elements. For example, yellowing of the first two pairs of true leaves that curl up, it is considered a sign of lack of molybdenum. Initially yellowness manifests itself in small patches of yellow, then covers the entire list completely. His veins remain green at the same time. Processing helps solve the problem of bushes ammonium molybdate solution and 2 g per 10 liters of water).

Over time, yellowed lower leaves will shrink and completely disappear, but experienced growers recommend to intervene in this process and remove them yourself. Thus, the plant will not waste its strength in vain. They must be removed carefully so as not to hurt the skin on the stem. Lower them down, push the stalk and pull up.

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Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

What if at the edge of the yellow leaves of tomatoes

If tomato leaves began to turn yellow at the edges, it is a signal gardener that culture is experiencing a shortage of certain substances:

  • Nitrogen. The leaves turn yellow, and burnt at the edges and soon disappear. Plants weakened, stunted. Help improve the bush nitrogen fertilization. As fertilizers can be used urea (Article 1. l. 10 liters of water).
  • Potassium. Young leaves are deformed and fold into a tube, the old yellow at the edges. Thus plants illustrates the processing of potassium nitrate. 10 liters of water need to 1 st. l. the drug.

What if the leaves turn yellow and wilt in tomatoes

If tomato leaves began to turn yellow and wither, it is a sure sign that they overcooled, or watering was irregular. In this case, proceed as follows:

  • "Warm" tomatoes. Place them in a warm place and carry out pouring, by using water at room temperature.
  • Make the dressing. Yellowing and wilting leaves may indicate a shortage of the necessary elements. In this case, the bush should fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers complex.
  • Place the seedlings in place, shielded from direct sunlight. Tomatoes love the ambient light.

What to do if tomato yellow leaf curl and

If the yellowing accompanied by the twisting, it can be associated with different causes:

  • 1. Deficiency of minerals and elements. Compensate for the lack of substances needed by the tomatoes you can by making the dressing. For this fit the complex fertilizer. It should also be blinded with bushes or wood ashes to water them with a solution of potassium nitrate. Should be diluted in 10 liters of water 0.5 liters of substance. In one bush require 0.5 liters of solution.
  • Uneven leaf growth. The sharp jump in growth may cause folding leaves. This happens due to the fact that the sheet is pulled along, and sheet plate does not have time to grow following the midrib. To remedy the situation, you need to put the tomatoes in a well lighted place.
  • pest defeat. If the leaves began to curl, most likely, the plant attacked by pests. We are talking about the aphid larvae or mites. For their destruction should be carried out the processing of tomatoes folk remedies. It is effective in this case the infusion onion skin (1 tbsp. l. 10 liters of water). Spray the bushes need to once every 5 days. Excellent results in the fight against pests treatment gives the bushes with 1% solution of potassium permanganate.
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

Care for your plantings, to monitor their condition. At the slightest allusion to disease or pests, conduct processing using appropriate means. If you do everything right and to recognize the disease, you will be able to save the future crop.

original article and many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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