How to keep the cabbage fresh until spring

  • Dec 24, 2019

Cabbage taken in the winter salt or booze. Heads can save and fresh up to 6 months, but to keep the cabbage until spring, you need to take into account the variety of vegetable and environmental conditions.

To keep the cabbage until spring, you need to take into account the variety of vegetable and environmental conditions. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
To keep the cabbage until spring, you need to take into account the variety of vegetable and environmental conditions. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Selection of vegetables for storage

Maturation of varieties of culture characterized by high density of leaves. They contain large amounts of fiber and are fat streaks. In addition to the correct choice of varieties, it is necessary to pay attention to the plants growing conditions. The best option for planting late varieties of cabbage are light sandy soil and loam. It is important to adhere to the rotation.

During the cultivation of vegetables in the soil it is recommended to make potash and phosphate preparations. With nitrogen-containing fertilizer should be cautious. This trace element greatly reduces the keeping quality of the crop.

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In the rainy season crops must be protected from heavy rainfall. If beds are not cover with foil, then heads can crack and begin to rot. To lay such a harvest will not be.

Among srednepozdnih varieties are best stored cabbage varieties Blizzard and Dombrovskaya. Hybrids Modern also characterized by high density and storability. This Belarusian, Hermes and the Gingerbread Man.

Among the late-ripening varieties is better to prefer Snow White and Amager. A stone head can be stored for a year without losing flavor.

Harvesting and laying the cellar

If you hurry to harvest cabbage with beds, you can lose a crop. After a while, he just fades. A belated withdrawal of heads from the garden cabbage fraught cracking, which also has a negative impact on future safety. It is important to accurately determine the time for harvesting plants with flower beds.

When daytime temperature will be in the range 3 +... + 8 ° C and night falls to 0... + 2 ° C, we can proceed to agricultural works. It is advisable to choose a dry and calm weather.

It is important to accurately determine the time for harvesting plants with flower beds. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
It is important to accurately determine the time for harvesting plants with flower beds. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

For cutting heads using any garden tool with a sharp blade. When the cut leave a small portion of stalk length of 2-3 cm. In addition, all opaque sheets are not thrown away. Leave 2 pcs. They will in the future to protect the head from mechanical damage and various pests.

All cabbages with visible damage to bookmarks do not work in the cellar. The side to be delayed frostbitten head, with small areas of rot, cracked, immature or underdeveloped.

Selected items before placing dried during the day in a warm and well-ventilated area. If not, you can use the space under the awning. The main thing - to hide vegetables from rain and let them dry. In the future, it will protect the head from the introduction and spread of putrefaction.

Storing the crop is allowed in different places, you only have to comply with the best vegetable for the environmental conditions. The air temperature is low enough required for culture. Recommended regimen -2 ° C... + 1 ° C. Room humidity must be high. The optimal parameters are in the range of from 85 to 95%.

Every 3-4 weeks basement or cellar should be thoroughly ventilated. Good ventilation will be effective for the prevention of fungal diseases. Some growers further applied to cobs crushed chalk or slaked lime. These two substances are a great tool in the fight against fungal infections.

In the cellar or basement cabbage placed in plastic or wooden boxes with lattice sides for ventilation. Amiss and cases made of cardboard. Vegetable spread in one layer and the next to the head not in contact with each other.

If you decide to keep the yield on the shelves, you first need to build a suitable rack. Its depth should not be less than 20 cm. The recommended distance between the boards - 30 cm. Each head previously wrapped in paper or plastic wrap. Then placed on the shelves, taking care to Stumpy was on top.

If you do not harvest cabbages were cut off and the length of the stalk is 8-10 cm, you can place the vegetables in the sand. For this poured sieved river sand layer to 20 cm into the box. It just stick cabbage, completely burying head.

original articleand many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

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