The treated soil to get rid of wireworm

  • Dec 24, 2019

Wireworms cause irreparable harm to everything that grows in the ground. Even if the root is not destroyed, the harvest takes quite unappetizing appearance, kept bad. Therefore, the destruction of pests - the dream of every gardener, faced with him. Unfortunately, the task is not easy to cope with. The only option - to take all possible measures in the autumn when the beds are empty, and the future and existing worms reside in peace. Get to know a number of ways to help achieve a reduction in livestock or even complete destruction.

Wireworms in potatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Wireworms in potatoes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Detection in the area of ​​short yellow worms, stiffness resemble small delays (hence the name), frightens the owners. Wireworms so briskly and mercilessly destroy the harvest, that it is time to cry. Adults - beetles, click beetles - does not harm the landing, but the voracious larvae gnaw through everything in its path, not only spoil the already ripe harvest. Worms damage the roots of plants, which leads to vulnerability to diseases and other pests, disturbances in the development of destruction. Therefore, the larvae of click beetles are subject to immediate and ruthless destruction.

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Potato beetles - how to get rid of the pest

Wireworms live in any soil, but especially feel comfortable in the wet with high acidity. The more roots in the ground, the better. It does not matter, there are crop plants or weeds. For example, the abundance of wheat grass - ideal conditions for the pests.

It is noteworthy that in the form of larvae of wireworms stays for over 5 years! Only then it becomes a pest beetle, mate and lay hundreds of eggs. Imagine how many worms will be in the ground, if not to destroy the invaders. And how many ills able to do "flock" of hungry and ravenous larvae.

Of the existing methods control wireworm choose the most appropriate for your environment. Experienced gardeners are advised to use them in combination to play it safe.

Wireworms. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Wireworms. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

To dig the soil in the garden in autumn and remove weeds

One may discuss the pros and cons of digging the soil, its necessity, but if wireworms wound up on the site, these works are in the list of mandatory. Moreover, it is impossible to delay, proceed to the processing site immediately after the harvest, until the larvae do not have time to go deep into the ground for the winter. Remove the pests out to be problematic.

Arm shovel and carefully dug up the entire area, deepen considerably, in fact, the farther the better. Be sure to select all occurrences roots and wireworms. The destruction process will complete freezing, the pests which can not tolerate. Birds also do not refuse such a generous treats. By the same larvae in the absence of roots and weeds there will be nothing, so they are banal break from hunger. Of course, in such a way to destroy all the pests will not work, but it can be killed on 90 percent.

Important!Do not ignore and spring digging, it makes it possible to destroy the new pests and quite dead of old.

Make the soil minerals

How else to fight wireworms? Make conditions intolerable existence. Pest likes acidic soil, so it is necessary to reduce the acidity. The second option - to use nitrogen fertilizers, which are very well beetles do not like.

Several effective tools to combat malicious worms:

  • ammonium nitrate. Per 1 square meter contribute about 30 grams. Ammonia larvae simply kills;
  • ammonium sulfate. application rate are the same, the effect on pests and the like;
  • potassium chloride. Enough 10 grams per square meter. Use on sandy and peat soils. Do not worry, all harmful substances rinsed out with rain and melting snow;
  • dolomite flour, lime. H to make square meter kilograms and pest becomes several times smaller;
  • chalk or wood ash. Standards and the impact of the same;
  • weak solution of potassium permanganate. 10-gram bag is enough for 20 liters.
Interesting!You can catch the beetles "on live bait." In the autumn after tillage prepare bait and spread over the site. Use manure, straw. Pests will slide to regale delicacy (especially if all the weeds were mercilessly destroyed) after the onset of frost burn piles. And at the same time wireworms.
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Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Treat soil chemicals from wireworm

There are a number of chemicals, mercilessly destroying pests. Apply funds as a last resort when other methods to get rid of beetles can not. For example, if the worms had multiplied catastrophically much.

Make preparations in the fall to the spring they have become the most harmless. It is important to strictly follow the instructions. Remember that you will soon grow vegetables in the beds for you and your family! Do not forget about personal protection during work.

Here are the most popular and effective drugs:

  • "Akhtar". It has systemic action, excellent moisture transport - just what you need for a rainy autumn and winter;
  • "Bazudin". Destroys pests in direct contact;
  • "Voliam Flexy". Wireworms kills not only, but also other pests, efficiency does not depend on the ambient temperature;
  • "Decis". Destroying beetles and the larvae when ingested. A big plus of the drug - a short period of decay. After a couple of months in the soil no trace will remain;
  • "Metarizin". Destroying pests due to the paralyzing effect on the nervous system. It has the fungus, and the drug belongs to the natural. In addition, as part of the components are present, significantly increase the fertility of the soil;
  • "Prestige". Has a wide spectrum of action, effectively destroys the pathogens;
  • "Provotoks". It acts upon contact with pests and ingestion of the intestinal tract. Wireworms not get used to it, so the tool can be reused.
Effectively spring soil application of preparations containing predators feeding larvae, wireworms. This nematode is absolutely harmless to beneficial microorganisms and earthworms.

Sow green manure from wireworm

Green manure not only improve soil fertility but also reduces its acidity, which is extremely negatively perceived by wireworms. In addition, plants produce substances repellent pests, not only wireworms. Plus it's natural fertilizer, which is also important.

Which green manure are most effective against the larvae:

  • oilseed radish;
  • Phacelia;
  • alfalfa;
  • rape;
  • buckwheat;
  • Different members of the family of legumes;
  • winter cress.

Phacelia company with legumes an especially significant effect, and legumes - and even harvest!

Gardeners note that regular crop of green manure for several years about wireworms will be forgotten. New bugs seek as soon as possible to leave an unpleasant place, so clutches no longer.

Important!Favorite treat wireworms - cereals. Therefore, in no case do not put members of the group in the area, if there was discovered a pest. In case of increased nutritional term transformation larva into an adult it is reduced to just three years, so the soil contamination will be much more intense.
Sowing green manure. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Sowing green manure. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

How to get rid of wireworms in the garden - preventive measures after the harvest

If wireworms have not took a fancy to your site, it does not mean that he will not catch the fancy in the future. Therefore, it is important to observe preventive measures:

  • after harvesting necessarily exempt from a bed topper and the remaining weeds;
  • check the level of acidity of the soil and make timely means for its reduction;
  • kill weeds, especially couch grass;
  • not ignore the green manure;
  • planting should not be too thick;
  • do not forget about the rules of crop rotation;
  • Keep the beds got until the end of rotted humus and manure;
  • do not venture away from the plot of birds - they consume a lot of pests, beneficial insects are also needed;
  • pests usually infest in damp places, preferably shaded, so make sure that these do not form the garden.
Get rid of wireworms really, you just have to aim and follow all recommendations. In no case do not let things drift - pests take the opportunity to flood the land.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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