Every year we plant flower bulbs in the hope of a miracle. And, as a rule, our expectations come true. They were the first of the flowers make us happy in the early spring and summer are almost the main decoration of the flower bed.
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bulbous primroses
Bulbous, tuberous and klubnelukovichnye plants are ideal for the decoration spring flower bed. In the spring, when most of the plants had just chosen out of the ground, crocuses, daffodils and tulips are already in the midst of flowering.
In the mid and late summer bloom in the flowerbeds no less beautiful plants with underground storage organs - lilies, dahlias and montbretsii. After completion of flowering remove withered flowers, but do not touch the leaves: the plants must accumulate a sufficient amount of nutrients to resume growth following spring.
healthy bulbs
Splendor of flowering plants with a stored underground organs in the first place depends on the state of bulbs and tubers. They must be intact and dense to the touch. At the time of purchase they should not be let to root growth. Do not buy bulbs with soft or damaged areas - this is a sign of disease or insect damage. The primer bulbs and tubers are best planted immediately after the purchase, avoiding the long-term storage. Bulbs and tubers of plants, flowering in spring, autumn planting, flowering in summer - in the spring and autumn flowering - in the summer. Potted bulbs can be planted in open ground at any time, but we must take good care of brittle roots. Plants such as gladioli and dahlias are sensitive to frost, and therefore planted in the flower bed should be only after the last frost. In the autumn of their need to dig up and store in a place protected from the cold. It is best peeled bulbs and tubers in the winter to keep in a dark closet in a box with sand or sawdust.
planting depth
Place the bulbs in the planting pits tops up. The basic rule of planting: Plant bulbs at a depth twice or three times greater than their height. In the light soil is better to plant them deeper, and in heavy clay - closer to the soil surface.
Too deeply planted bulbs will sprout very late; planted too shallow is easily damaged when caring for the flower garden, and in addition, they may suffer from the cold winter. Small bulbs, such as, for example, crocus, prolesok or Muscari, should be planted at a depth of about 5 cm. Low tulips need to bury about 10 cm. Larger bulbs - daffodils, lilies or grouse - requires planted at a depth of about 25 cm, and each requires a separate landing pit. The ideal distance between bulbs is half the height of the plants, ie. E. 3-5 cm for small species, and 30-50 cm in the large.
Group planting in baskets
Bulbous plants look best when planted them in groups. The lower the plant, the more copies should be in the group. If you use the planting baskets, large groups of bulbs of different plants can be planted next to each other very close. To do so, immerse the basket of bulbs in the flower bed to the brim and cover it with dust. If necessary, the basket can be easily removed from the ground without damaging the neighboring plants.
In nature, bulbous and tuberous plants are commonly found in areas with long dry periods, and because they easily rot from moisture. To avoid this, put on the bottom of the landing pit drainage layer (sand, crushed stone or gravel) on top of which place the bulb.
For 30 minutes, you can:
- 20-30 bulbs to plant.
- In autumn dig up and lay on the storage of 6-8 bulbous or tuberous plants.
For a single planting large bulbs use a special planter with scale - it will help you put the onion to the desired depth.
Bulbs of many plants - a favorite treat of voles. Protect them from these rodents can be baskets of fine mesh.
original article and many other materials can be found on our website.
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