Secrets of squash cultivation in open field, how to plant and care for a vegetable

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Squash - an annual herbaceous plant of the Cucurbitaceae family. Eat recommended young fruit gustatory qualities which are close to the squash. Varieties of this vegetable a bit. The difference between them is the color of fruits and ripening. Squash cultivation can be carried out in the open field, in greenhouses under the film, in a greenhouse.

Squash. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Squash. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Pattinson: description of the plant

Squash - a vegetable that has become known to mankind since ancient times. In the wild, it is not found. This plant belongs to hybrids.

Pattinson is unpretentious character and actively fruits even in adverse climatic conditions for it. Its taste characteristics, texture and composition are similar to zucchini. The only thing that distinguishes them from each other - it is a form. Externally squash resembles a star or a flower, whereby he was given another name - Cymbal pumpkin. Ripe fruits may reach up to 30 cm in diameter. They are distinguished by special taste, when the diameter is not more than 10 cm.

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Squash are grown also for decorative purposes. Breeders output class fruits which have a bright orange and a bright yellow color.

With the cultivation of squash rules sign every cottager. Novice gardener might be interested in the cultivation of this crop from seed. For the latest use overripe fruit. They withdraw from it, cleaned and dried in a warm, well-ventilated and lit room.

Young squash. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Young squash. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Lighting and temperature

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of location for squash. The site should be well publicized, as the shadow of a negative effect on the maturation of the fruit. It is important that the vegetables are experiencing lack of sunlight.

Best of all, to one side of the site located horticultural crops, which scatter the sun's rays and protect from the wind. This will increase productivity and have a positive impact on the quality of the fruit. It is advisable to sow the scallops in a place that will be covered most of the day.

to the soil requirements

Squash welcome friable loam and black soil. Preference is given to soil with a neutral reaction. If the soil has a low acidity, balance it is possible by making wood ash. For this vegetable culture plays a very important fertilizing the soil.

The better to choose organic fertilizer as fueling vehicles. Before sowing seeds in the ground dug up, it is necessary to make polupereprevshy manure, coupled with mineral additives.

How to prepare for planting squash

If the suburban area can not boast of a large area, and occupy other vegetables, squash can be grown in containers. As the latter are suitable pots, plastic bags or containers.

Scallops on a bed. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Scallops on a bed. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Features of soil preparation

Which fertilizer would be useful for squash depends on the type of soil in which they are planted. When it comes to the peat soil, on every square meter of land you need to make to 2 kg of manure humus. In addition, you should add one bucket of humus. Soil also needs superphosphate and calcium sulfate (2 hours. l.) and wood ash (at 2 tbsp. l.). Then it is necessary to dig a bed having a width of 70 cm and depth - 25 cm and pour it bucket warm solution "Agricola-5". After fertilization, the place you need to cover with foil. This will reduce the evaporation of moisture and keep warm.

If the squash are grown on clay soil, before planting it should energize peat, humus and sawdust. You will also need to make 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate and 2 tablespoons. l. wood ash.

As for the sandy soil, the fertilizer is suitable for its turf ground and turf (one bucket per square meter), sawdust and humus (3 kg per square meter).

When you make the rest of fertilizers must adhere to the same proportions as for clay soils. Fertile chernozem be mixed with sawdust (2 kg per square).

Soil feeding is necessary to use superphosphate in powder form (1 tbsp. l. per square meter). virgin soil fertilizer is carried out in any other way. First you need to remove all the roots and the larvae of pests. Then, in each square meter introduce 3 kg of compost, 1 tbsp. l. nitrophosphate and 2 tbsp. l. wood ash. After making feeding portion dug and watered means "Agricola-5".

Important!After completing all these manipulations need a bed cover with foil. After 5 days, the shelter can be removed and begin sowing planting material.
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Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Autumn training

Cultivation of squash should be carried out subject to certain rules. Area under sowing is preparing the fall. After the preceding crop and its crop residues are removed, loosen the bed of that sprouted weeds. After 14 days, the place to dig to a depth of 25 cm, and all sprouted weeds are eliminated.

Digging in the earth of manure (10 kg per square meter), humus or compost (5 kg per square meter). For heavy soil fertilizer is recommended to take a greater amount of organic fertilizer.

Spring training

With the arrival of spring is carried out before loosening the soil light. The first hoeing can be done to a depth of 15 cm, the second - in 10 cm before sowing seeds. At this stage, also carried out germinating weed destruction. Under digging earth make organic and mineral fertilizers up to 6 kg of humus or compost, 40 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium nitrate.

Fertilizers are scattered evenly across the site and compacted to the bottom during the digging. On the lowlands need to create a drainage ridges and crests.

The width of the beds will be 1 m, height - 30 cm. Combs organize a steep sloping northern and southern sides. It is important to them was the height of not more than 35 cm. The distance between them is equal to 80 cm.

Seedlings are prepared to move. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Seedlings are prepared to move. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

fertilization and preparation of the seeds before planting

Cultivation may be conducted squash seedlings and seed method. Regardless of which one is chosen, the seeds should definitely take a few preparatory steps.

First seeds calcined in an oven at 50 ° C. Of these instances there will be more female flowers, which in future will ovary. You can also use another way to warm up the seeds. To do this, they need to be spread out on cardboard or on the battery. The duration of heating - Week.

After warming up, the seeds need to be processed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The next stage - the germination of seeds. This process lasts for two days.

To temper their seeds should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and leave it in place for 6 hours.

Seeds will hatch if they soak in the stimulating solution. Dachniki experienced recommended to use this natural remedy as aloe juice diluted with water. You can also buy ready-made stimulants, "bud" and "energy." After soaking the planting material to be rinsed, wrapped in moist gauze and left for two days at 23 ° C.

How to plant squash seeds

Before you put the scallops, you need to make sure that the land is prepared for planting in the fall, will be well warmed up by the end of spring and during the night frost has passed. The soil at the site is necessary to level the rake, remove the weeds and make the necessary number of beds. The size of the grooves is 7 x 7 cm. Since landing will turn out not too thick and not squash zagniyut.

Several pieces of seeds deep into the ground by 8 cm, after which the hole is covered with soil. After that, the beds need to be sealed, to water and to hide the film before the first sprouts.
Growing from seed. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing from seed. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

 Features care of seedlings

Novice gardeners should remember that squash, planted the seed method, mature slowly than those that were grown from seedlings. High yield give those vegetables that were planted in a greenhouse or under a film. If there is no free space on the plot, to grow the seedlings can be in plastic containers or pots.

How to properly care for the seedlings of squash

For early harvest squash is necessary to resort to the method of growing seedlings. Vegetable seedlings planted by the end of April. Each cup 2 is placed on the seed, after which they are bombarded with a mixture of humus and wood ash layer 4 cm.

Thereafter crops are covered with glass and contains up to germination at a temperature of 30 ° C. As soon as the first shoots, the glass must be removed, and the temperature turn down to 22 ° C during the day and 18 ° C at night. Failure to observe the temperature regime, seedlings will pull up and will consume extra energy. As a result, the root system and the cotyledonary leaves will not developed until the end. After a week you can resume the previous temperature. Care squash commits to comply with certain rules. The soil should be wetted regularly. It is also important to make it fertilizer.

Ten-day seedlings must soiling with the addition of a solution of mullein infusion superphosphate. In 10 l of water diluted 1 kg of cow manure, 15 g of superphosphate. All components are thoroughly mixed, and then left to stand for one day. Before vysejat seedlings in soil, their re-fed nitrophosphate solution (50 g in 10 liters water).

Care of seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Care of seedlings. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Terms and transplanting in the open ground rules

Planting seedlings in open ground squash is held in late April or early May, when will the period of night frosts. To ensure the protection of crops, they need to hide the film. You can use a thin spanbod, under which there is no need to construct the frame, just enough to put him over the seedlings.

It is best to planting squash when the warm weather in the spring. If the days are sunny, two weeks later, you can watch the first flowering.

Properly trained and got stronger seedlings, which appeared 2-3 sheet, ready for planting. Planting seedlings need early in the morning or after sunset. So it will be able to minimize the shock of the abrupt change in m

ECTA habitat. You must plant them with a clod of earth dug out of the glass in the hole. Seedlings should be immediately pritenit and pour.

Positioning scallops necessary distance of 80 cm from each other. Plants will not interfere with each other and will not be short of sun.

The secrets of growing squash: how to care for plants?

Care squash does not mean too much trouble. If the soil were made fertilizers and seedlings sown in the ground according to the rules, the problems with the departure will not occur. The plant needs frequent watering, weeding and removing weeds.

Important!Formed fruits should not touch the ground, otherwise they will start to rot. To do this, you must build a backwater and tie the branches. You can also put under a bush boards.

rules of irrigation

While the seedlings take root firmly, it will need an ample and timely watering. The enhanced watering it needs a period of active fruiting.

Suitable for watering is extremely warm and settled water. Carry out the procedure necessary every five days. Per square meter of 8 liters of water is required. As soon as the flowering period, the amount necessary to bring up to 10 liters.

Pouring water should be at the root, or in a small pit that you can dig around the plant. It is important to avoid water on the leaves, flowers and ovaries. Abundant watering leads to expose the roots, so they need to protect by adding mulch during the growing season.

Did you know? Due to the fact that squash differ intricate form, they do not cut into cubes, like zucchini. Of these, seize the middle and stuffed. Filling for this dish can be vegetable, meat, sweet.

Rules of irrigation. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Rules of irrigation. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Basics feeding squash in the garden

Fertilize the scallops, which were planted in the ground, you have to double. Before flowering, it is necessary to use a double superphosphate (15 g) and potassium sulfate (20 g). As organic fertilizer ideal mullein, diluted with water (in the ratio 1: 10) or chicken manure (1: 20).

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