Flower garden in the sun - the nuances of creation and selection of plants

  • Dec 24, 2019

Flower garden in the sun for gardening enthusiasts.

Garden flower in the sun. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Garden flower in the sun. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
In any case not digging up the garden perennial flowers in the woods or in the field.

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Plants for sunny places

Recognize truly drought-resistant plants will help the first dry sunny day: all the other colors in the heat are humbled quickly. Grow in the sun is preferred by many plants, but only very few of them tolerate drought. Therefore, for the flower garden in the sun, which does not require frequent watering, you need to choose the nature of the drought-resistant plants.

On poor dry soils well grow many beautiful flowering perennials. Tsentrantus, Cota tinctoria, feverweed and some other plants are constantly blooming all summer to autumn and also attract bees and butterflies garden his nectar. They practically do not suffer from pests and diseases.

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Plants for sunny locations. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Plants for sunny locations. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

steppe flower

In the treatment of the soil make sure that the plants were created ideal conditions for development. Most wild sun-loving species such as chamomile or luxurious evening primrose blooming in Nature pioneer plants are primarily populating vacant lots, landfills and roadside roads. They prefer poor dry soil. In the garden you will create ideal conditions for dry-loving wild perennials, reaching for them poor and permeable soil mix with sand, gravel and crushed stone. If the soil is too acidic, add a little bit of lime in it.

Steppe flower. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Steppe flower. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

It is possible to emphasize the "image of the steppe" flower garden by planting plants along the walkway lined with gravel or before a solar wall. With the same purpose, can be laid out with gravel or gravel between the small islands of perennials. It is best to look sun-loving savages in group plantings, not too abundant plant species diversity.

Turn in the steppe flower garden ornamental grasses and tall bulbous plants (eg, ornamental onion), which will add to him the bump and prolong flowering.

dangerous water

Due to highly branched and deep root system of sun-perennials are capable of withstanding long periods of drought. Regularly watered these plants need only in the first year, so that they were able to settle down in a new place. In subsequent years, the high humidity will be disastrous for them. They need to be watered only in those rare cases, when the plants begin to droop the leaves and stems.

With gravel or rubble lay similarity among flowers dry creek bed. "Riverbed" facilitate the work in the flower garden, making more free access to perennials

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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