Koelreuteria Garden: types and descriptions

  • Dec 24, 2019

Deciduous flowering trees or shrubs are prized for their delicate foliage and blooming summer flowers golden. This sun-loving plant comes from China and Taiwan. In the middle lane were grown one relatively frost appearance.


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Recommended species and varieties

TO. paniculata (K. paniculata)

Reddish leaves appear in spring, turning green in summer and gets red and yellow colors in autumn. The most decorative foliage on poor, dry soils. Leaves complicated to 45 cm long, with 9-15 leaves, scalloped edges. Flowers are small, 1.5 cm in diameter, in loose erect inflorescence up to 30 cm. It blooms from mid to late summer. Flowering especially abundant only hot and dry summer. In the fall of the tree may appear reddish-green fruits of up to 5 cm. This hardy tree is medium sized with a spreading crown. Motherland - China. Plant height and diameter - 4x2 m (20). Maximum height - 10 m.

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TO. paniculata
TO. paniculata


In central Russia winters, obmerzaya before the snow level. There is a risk of freezing during the harsh years. More reliable in the western and southern regions, especially pas Black Sea coast. Plant in early autumn or in the spring in any well-drained soil in a sunny spot.

Especially trees bloom profusely hot, dry summers.


The conventional method - sowing seeds in the greenhouse in the fall, but in the middle lane, this method is rarely used. Better at rooting cuttings in midsummer. pruning is not required, but if you need to remove the shrunken parts of the plant, it should be done at the end of March.

Pests and diseases

Usually not affected, but sometimes you can find coral spotting. Affected areas to cut. Diseased wood to be burned.

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