Creeping herbaceous plants in your garden: tips to gardeners

  • Dec 24, 2019
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These creeping along the ground perennial herbaceous plants or shrubs in the garden essential: a continuous tightening carpet bare ground under bushes, trees, on the slopes and in the flower beds, they are fine here inhibit growth weeds. In addition, they are unpretentious, have decorative foliage, bloom beautifully, and can serve as a great alternative capricious lawns.

Creeping herbaceous plants
Creeping herbaceous plants

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Ajuga reptans

Zhivuchka forms a beautiful carpet of leaves on the background of which are similar to candle inflorescences. It grows well even in the dense shade under trees and shrubs. foliage color in different varieties ranging from the usual green to cream, dark pink, purple and brown.


Blue-violet, sometimes white or pink.


Not required, it makes even mowing.


The unusual color of leaves of some varieties (eg, purple cultivar «Atropurpurea») often manifests itself only in full sun.

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Ajuga reptans
Ajuga reptans

Dyusheneya Indian

Unpretentious dyusheneya very similar to wild strawberries, but its flowers appear in May have a yellow color. This groundcover grows well in the sun and in the shade of trees and bushes. Like strawberries, dyusheneya quickly tightens the bare land by a whisker, which it can be propagated.

Flowers / fruits

Flowers yellow, 2.5 cm; red fruit in appearance reminiscent of strawberries, edible, but less tasty.


Greatly expands, so should be planted next to the same aggressive plants.


Is suitable for cultivation in the rooms can be used as a basket plant or for edging flower beds.

Dyusheneya Indian
Dyusheneya Indian

yellow dead-nettle

Dead-nettle quickly forms dense thickets, and in early summer, covered with beautiful yellow flowers, which is located on the vertical whorls peduncles. Dead-nettle can grow in the shade. Beautiful leaves of this plant resemble the shape of nettle leaves, but lack the stinging hairs.

yellow dead-nettle
yellow dead-nettle




To not dead-nettle grew too intense, it is better to grow on poor soil.


There are many varieties, differing in shape and color of the leaves. To create a beautiful garden compositions Planted together several varieties of plants.

hypericum calycinum

Small, fast-growing shrub with leathery leaves. If St. John's wort grows in full sun, from mid summer to autumn it is covered with numerous large bright yellow flowers.


Yellow, about 7 cm in diameter.


Spring hard pruning.


In central Russia badly damaged by frosts, but quickly recovered.

hypericum calycinum
hypericum calycinum

Loosestrife monetchaty (moneywort)

The specific name "monetchaty" this plant has received for the rounded shape of the leaves. It prefers moist soil, such as a pond. Here it starts up in all directions long shoots, which bloom yellow flowers.




In the long absence of rain to water; spring to make compost. Note Grade «Aurea» has yellow-green foliage which the shade becomes lemon-yellow shade.

Loosestrife monetchaty (moneywort)
Loosestrife monetchaty (moneywort)

Pahisandra apical

Graceful shrub native to China and Japan, growing well even in the dense shade under the trees. Its spike-like inflorescences rise in the spring on a carpet of leaves.


White, sometimes pink or purple hue.


Young plants tolerate pruning later in retirement do not need.


It is ideal for planting under rhododendrons and other shade-loving shrubs.

Pahisandra apical
Pahisandra apical

stonecrop floriferous

In the flowering period on the background of evergreen carpet, consisting of small, fleshy leaves, a mass of flowers similar to asterisks. Drought-resistant plant, growing well in the sandy soil and gravels.


Golden yellow.


Not required.


Excellent ground cover plants are also some other types of this plant - white sedum (Sedum album), false sedum (Sedum spurium) and Colorado sedum (Sedum spathulifolium).

stonecrop floriferous
stonecrop floriferous

vinca major

Periwinkle - one of the most popular groundcover plants. He is unpretentious and has a beautiful shiny leaves. In spring the plant is covered with large flowers. Re-bloom can last until September.




The plant can grow strong, and it must be cut off from time to time. In the absence of rain watering needs.


In the variety «Variegata» leaves with white edges. There are many beautiful varieties and smaller species -vinca small.

vinca major
vinca major

Stachys byzantine

Narrow pubescent silvery leaves of this perennial resemble sheep ears. Summer towering over them inflorescence-candles of small flowers.


Pale pink, subtle, high inflorescences.


In the spring to remove dead parts of plants; After flowering cut the flower stalks.

Stachys byzantine
Stachys byzantine

Highlander sibling

Hardy herbaceous perennial, forming rapidly in the garden of a carpet blushing fall foliage. Summer over the mass of greenery rise like candles spike inflorescence.

Highlander sibling
Highlander sibling


From white to pink, high spikes.


If the plants grow too, they can be partially removed by clearing shovel topsoil. In the spring it is necessary to remove dead parts of plants.


Planted next to the same aggressive plants

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