Horsetail: Types and Features of cultivation

  • Dec 24, 2019

Ancient forests, where once roamed dinosaurs, giant horsetail abounded, reaches a height of modern large trees. Today, after 350 million years, horsetails represented mainly by small herbaceous plants. Silica-rich horsetail stems in the old cleaning pots and pans.

Horsetail (Photo used under the standard license ©
Horsetail (Photo used under the standard license ©

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The thin, hollow, segmented stems horsetails usually studded rings green branching twigs and tiny dark flakes - leaves. Horsetails have a deep, well-developed root system and grow with the help of a rhizome. In summer, on the end of the stalks appear nubs in which spores are formed. In livestock feeding horsetail long time, there is a serious poisoning - ekvizetoz ( "drunk's disease").

Before applying horsetail drugs, consult your doctor. During pregnancy and breastfeeding should not be used.
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Horsetail (E. agvense)

Variety reaches a height of 80 cm, and its stems are studded with whorls of thin horizontal branches.

Horsetail (Photo used under the standard license ©
Horsetail (Photo used under the standard license ©

Horsetail wintering (E. hyemale)

The variety sometimes grows to the waist; twigs on its stems not.

horsetail hibernating
horsetail hibernating


Cysteine ​​typically settle in humid environment (e.g., the banks of reservoirs), but then use master rhizomes and more dry patches. They can grow in the sun and in the shade and well tolerate frost.

Rich in silica, horsetail was once a real blessing chefs: with hard edges stems are used as this grass wire sponges for cleaning the pan and pots. Dishes cleaned horsetail since Roman times up to the XVIII century. As an abrasive horsetail also served for polishing wood and metal and even manicure: they sawed nails.


Spring plant division or small pieces of rhizomes are planted in moist soil. Before you plant horsetail on your site, beware: it quickly expands and turns into annoying weeds resistant to herbicides.


Not required.

Pests and diseases

Not affected.

Harvesting and storage

Stems horsetail harvested and dried from mid to late summer.

Herbal Medicine

Due to the very high content of silica (silicon dioxide) has a strong astringent and wound-healing action and as an external agent is often used to stop bleeding, treatment of ulcers and frostbite. As shown horsetail strong diuretic for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the urinary tract, bladder and prostate cancer (prostate). Surprisingly, the Horsetail is an excellent remedy for bedwetting (especially in children).

From ancient times, horsetail is also used for detoxification and treatment of arthritis and some skin diseases that, according to some phytotherapeutists, associated with the accumulation in the body of toxic substances. Horsetail decoction drunk for heavy menstrual bleeding

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